• Resolved Charles


    First off, thanks for developing and maintaining this terrific plugin. I’ve been using it for years, and it makes a huge difference on our sites.

    I have an issue with version 2.5 by which I’m a little confused. When I look in the plugin’s settings, I see that it says Filesystem: Not writeable. This wasn’t happening prior to 2.5. Fortunately, this change doesn’t actually stop the plugin from working, but it does prevent the Disable Object Cache button from working.

    I can see from the changelog that the system is trying to write two files: object-cache.php and object-cache.tmp. If I look on the server, I can see that object-cache.php is there, and, moreover, that it’s being written by the latest version of the plugin. I know this, because, at the top of the object-cache.php file, it confirms that it’s version 2.5:

     * Plugin Name: Redis Object Cache Drop-In
     * Plugin URI: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/redis-cache/
     * Description: A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis. Supports Predis, PhpRedis, Relay, replication, sentinels, clustering and WP-CLI.
     * Version: 2.5.0
     * Author: Till Krüss
     * Author URI: https://objectcache.pro
     * License: GPLv3
     * License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
     * Requires PHP: 7.2

    Nevertheless, the plugin seems unable to write the other file (object-cache.tmp, and, thus, it concludes that the filesystem is Not writeable. I’m unsure as to why this would be the case. Surely, if the plugin can write object-cache.php to the correct folder, it can also write the .tmp file? The permissions on the WP_CONTENT_DIR are 775.

    I am using Trellis and Bedrock, and I’m enabling the plugin using wp-cli, so the file structure and setup of my WordPress install is a little different than the out-of-the-box version, but this has never mattered before.

    Any thoughts or advice as to where I should look?


    • This topic was modified 12 months ago by Charles.
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  • Plugin Support Julie


    Hey Charles!

    If WP_CONTENT_DIR is set to 775 the wrist test should work.

    However if you use WP CLI anyhow to successfully enable the cache using wp redis enable then you can safely ignore the check by setting:

    define('WP_REDIS_DISABLE_DROPIN_CHECK', true);
    Thread Starter Charles


    Thanks, Julie. Out of interest, what does that do?

    Plugin Support Julie


    It will just skip that test and not bother you with an unnecessary warning.

    Thread Starter Charles


    Thank you.

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