Hey Gemmaspeht,
Let’s fix your problem! And show you a little bit of back-end WP programming.
0. I always recommend backing up your site first before messing with Theme files (the PHP and stuff).
1. Go to your WP Dashboard
2. Click on Appearance
3. Click on Editor
4. On the right hand side under Templates click on Main Index Template
5. Find this line of code:
<span class="postmetadata"><?php the_category(' / ') ?> — <?php comments_popup_link('Leave a comment', '1 comment', '% comments'); ?> <?php edit_post_link( ' — Edit' );
6. Copy and paste it somewhere (notepad) so you have the original code backed up and so you can put it back if you mess up. You could also just copy and paste everything in that file so it’s backed up.
6. Your culprit is the “& mdash ;” (without the spaces) Get rid of it or replace with something different. “& nbsp ;”?(without the spaces) would be just a generic space.
7. Click Update File
Also, if you don’t like your Meta Data above the post title (I don’t like it personally, but it’s up to you!) you can move it!
Put that whole line (the new one without the dashes) after this bit of code:
<div class="entry"><br />
<?php // if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { the_post_thumbnail( 'featured' ); } ?><br />
<?php the_content('<em>Continue reading →</em>'); ?><br />
<div class="clearfix"></div><br />
Finally, this will only take effect on your Home/Index page! You will most likely need to repeat these same changes (should be able to copy and paste for the most part) on some additional files located under Templates, such as: Archives.php, Page.php, and Single.php
The culprit will be the same: “& mdash ;”