• I’m trying to make everything fit im my page, so that there’s no scrollbar on the side of the browser. The “(c)2004 cynikalsam.com” credit is too low, making you have to scroll down to see it. How do i move it up, so that it’s right under the blog, and in view, so no scrolling is neccisairy?

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  • Thread Starter Anonymous

    Its like this; There’s so much blank space under the blog, that if i can just move the “(c)2004 cynikalsam.com” up under the blog, there’d be no need for scrolling from the browser. Look at my link, you’ll see what i mean..

    What’s the
    top: 1000px;
    doing in your ‘credit’ and ‘cite’ ?
    But you could also try to put that code before your last </div>

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Oh, that was me just adding random stuff to see if i could affect the position of the credit. Needless to say it didnt work, and i ment to delete it. I’ll try your suggestion now

    I haven’t looked at the css or xhtml in any detail but I think it may be to do with the fact that your menu is relatively positioned, I would guess that the gap under your content is the same height as your menu. Basically the menu is within the flow of the page and is extending the overall height accordingly, however when you reposition it (top:-450px) then it appears where you want but in context to the html it is still causing the overflow.
    Since your content is set to be a fixed size you could probably get away with absolutely positioning the menu. Of course this could cause problems if people resize text but so do most designs potentially.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    How do i do that? I know that stuff is positioned reletivly (i’ve seen it in the css) do i change “relative” to “absolute” or what? Then what do i edit to make the blank space go away?

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Ok, i managed to move the “??2004 cynikalsam.com” up to where it needs to be, so now all i have to to is get rid of all that empty space below my forum.. Any idea how to do that?

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Nobody knows?

    Well forgive me for mentioning it but two completely different sets of (x)html with two different DTDs on one page are not helping.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    lol I dont know what that means! *bangs head on wall* lol PLease, can sombody tell me what i need to do? Is it going to be impossible for me to do if i dont know how to code? If it is, just tell me and i’ll leave it how it is..

    (some of us have pretty good memory:)

    You’ve effectively got 2 different pages in one.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/html40/loose.dtd">
    is at the top,
    then under the flash banner, you have
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    Basically the page is trying to get the browser to act in 2 ways, and it can’t.
    A webpage should have only one of the following tags:

    and one of the corresponding ‘off tags ( </html> )
    I would suggest this:
    – Cut the whole flash banner out. Remove everything above
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    – From the part you just cut out, keep only the part that starts and end with the ‘object’ tags.
    – Paste this new bit in right underneath the <body> tag.
    That should solve the ‘two pages in one’ bit, and will mean that when we look at the page, we can be more confident in helping.
    A page that has errors, even if we suggest a fix for one, may cause other effects due to other errors – that’s why fixing a page first is the way to go.
    Keep posting – we’ll keep helping ??
    (And what was the image error about ? Did you find out ?)

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    I did what you suggested podz, but not the banner is leaning toward the left.. What should i do next?
    PS; Good eye moshu! lol ??

    Try this:
    Cut this line out
    <div id="rap">
    and place it between <body> and the object line.
    Should be
    in that order.

    This is a bit odd:
    #rap {
    position: relative;
    margin: -5px 10% 10px 10%;
    Try this instead of those two lines:
    #rap {
    margin: -5px auto 10px auto;
    I’m not sure about the -5px, but where it is it doesn’t matter for now.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    OK i did that, but now the banner is too far right, and the “(c)2004 cynikalsam.com” has moved up into the body of my blog..

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