• I’m trying to make everything fit im my page, so that there’s no scrollbar on the side of the browser. The “(c)2004 cynikalsam.com” credit is too low, making you have to scroll down to see it. How do i move it up, so that it’s right under the blog, and in view, so no scrolling is neccisairy?

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  • Thread Starter Anonymous

    Oh i didnt see your last reply before i posted. I’ll do that now.

    Ack … just seen the flash code:
    width="900" height="130"
    So putting in #rap may not work.
    If the above does not get things right, we’ll need a bit more css.

    Take the extra
    #rap { <—it’s just those bits.
    out ??

    #rap {
    margin: -5px auto 10px auto;
    height: 450px;
    background-image: url(“bg.jpg”);

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    It was looking good? Are you using IE? I was looking at it in firefox and its all off center and the bg image wont load.. I had to upload my old css after changing the
    #rap {
    margin: -5px auto 10px auto;
    Because it got rid of basically all the layout.

    Do you have IM ?
    I could help through that if you want ?

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Sure. cynikalsam @ hotmail.com

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    It still looks all weird. Stuff like the position of the background image is too high, and the banner is too right, and the copywright is in the body of the main txt.. lol I hope i did it right

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    I just looked in IE, and the banner is center there, but it’s off center in Firefox.. :/

    Okay … what’s happening is this:
    The banner is 900px wide, but the rap is 790px.
    The banner is being correctly aligned on the left, but it is sticking out of the right side.
    There are two ways around it…. let’s go for this way:
    <div id="rap">
    Move that to just above <h1 id="header">
    That leaves the banner with no css, and it will move all the way left.
    In your css, add this:
    #banner {
    margin:0 auto;
    Then, in index.php, put
    <div id ="banner"> just before the first object tag
    </div> after the last object tag.
    I think that will work.

    <div id ="banner">
    Take the space out
    <div id="banner">

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Yep that fixed it a lot! Now there’s just the matter of the “blank space” under everything..

    There is yes….. and right now, I can’t see the cause.
    There are some small validation errors (apart from the flash ones) but I don’t think they will affect the height…..
    If no-one else pops along, I’ll have a better look later in the morning – it’s 01:17am here Z z z z z z z ??

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Ok thanks for all your help! ??

    Morning ??
    I’ve been playing …. and I think we can get close.
    In your css, the header / content / menu are are relatively positioned. That doesn’t work with the layout specifics you have, and it’s confusing the browser.
    Backup your css first.
    Then delete the following and everything inside the brackets after the rule name:
    So from #header { all the way to the next } delete it
    Then paste these into the css:
    #menu {
    border: 3px solid #ffffff;
    #header {
    font: normal 150% Georgia, ‘Times New Roman’, Times, serif;
    letter-spacing: 0.2em;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 15px 10px 15px 60px;
    #content {
    border: 3px solid #ffffff;
    padding: 0 3px 0 3px;
    There is still some not so great positioning issues, but when I do the above, the length of the scrollbar is shortened hugely.
    Post back and we’ll take it from there ?

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