• I’m new to WordPress and have managed to mess up my screen view already. I use Firefox as my browser and everytime I open a webpage, WordPress is always there taking up a portion of the left side of the screen. If I open wordpress, I have two versions of it in a split screen view, each with its own scroll bar.

    Its driving me nuts. Please help!!

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  • Uh, to me, this sounds like a browser problem. I’m sorry Dave, maybe I don’t fully understand what you are asking…
    So you have the FireFox browser displaying like a split screen and your WP install is always one of them?

    Thread Starter DaveKiwi


    Yeah, it is a browser issue. I’m not having the same issue in Safari.

    Correct, I am getting a split screen with WP as always present on the left, but what do you mean by ‘install’? Right now I can see the dashboard/home page.

    Thanks for responding!

    What I meant by install was: is it your own hosting with WP installed? (or is it the WP.com version, or this particular website)… all pretty much irrelevant since this is a browser issue.
    Since this is not an issue with WP, I would suggest to Google the issue (https://www.google.com/search?&q=firefox+always+split+screen) or check FireFox related forums.

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