• The new default theme that comes with 3.0 is ok, but how do I get rid of the enormous gap if I don’t want to use an image?


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  • Edit the theme’s stylesheet.

    #branding a img {display:none;}

    Thread Starter William Bowles


    I assume you mean remove/comment out this?

    #branding a img {display:none;}

    as you may guess – ‘display:none;’ means ‘do not show’.
    this is what you want.

    add the line to to style.css of the theme.

    Thread Starter William Bowles


    Ok, thanks


    Thread Starter William Bowles


    PS: Anywhere in the file?

    have you tried putting it anywhere?
    and what was the result?

    just be more adventurous, and try things.
    if the results don’t show, try to reload the site in the browser, or refresh the browser cache (ctrl f5).
    if you make a backup copy of the working theme files before you start editing, there is not much you can break; especially not with changing styles.

    (personally, i would put new styles closely after the related styles in the style.css; there are already some #branding styles.)

    also, if the position of the new style in the style sheet would be important, most helpers here would clearly state where to add the styles.

    with style.css of TwentyTen, just be aware that the last about 100 lines are for the @media print ; any style for the screen needs to be added before that.

    Thread Starter William Bowles


    so it is important where I stick it, that’s what I wanted to know as I tagged it on the end of the file and nothing changed.

    I’ll let you know how it goes



    in that sense, you are right.

    i only found this out myself recently as styles added at the end of the style.css file did not show any effect.

    style.css of twentyten seems to be an (confusing) exeption here, as most other themes would call a print.css in header.php.

    Thread Starter William Bowles


    Tried it, moved it around, cleared the cache, still have a large gap.

    if you post a link to your site, someone could check the position of this new style, and might get some clues why it would not work.

    alternatively you could post the section of style.css where you added the new style – plus a few lines before and after.

    or paste the whole style.css into a https://wordpress.pastebin.com/ and post the link to it here.

    Thread Starter William Bowles


    Good idea as I’ve switched themes until I can figure it out.

    Here’s a link to the relevant bit of code tho:

    /* This is the custom header image */
    #branding img {
    clear: both;
    border-top: 4px solid #000;
    display: block;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #000;

    #branding a img {display:none;}

    /* =Menu

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