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  • @m0b1us: I tried to fix this. Download the latest version from


    I wonder if anyone can help me?

    I have followed the instructions for getting this to work and all that happens is a 404 error. I just don’t know what to do. The link to the KML file works but no map shows up?

    Here is the link to the site:

    I have a valid GoogleMaps API key and it works ok.
    I put the link into the page as instructed here.

    Is there anything else I could be doing wrong? I just cannot seem to get it working.

    Help! ??

    Aha! I have found out what I was doing wrong. I was manually pasting a link to the URL. It doesn’t work unless you use the “Add Media” button in WordPress and add hyperlink there.

    Yes, I’m still getting used to WordPress. Sorry if I caused any confusion!

    I am using wordpress 2.7, have a valid api key, and version 1.10.2 of the plugin. Many people are talking about the options panel, but I am unable to find anything on my dashboard that looks like an options panel for this plugin. It works great, but I have to change the options manually in the code. How do I get the panel? Thanks in advance!

    Click on Settings and then XML Google Maps…

    Duh. I looked everywhere but there. Thank you very much.

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