Your request seems a little bit vague so going off of your statement you’re a complete novice with limited technical expertise, I am inclined to assume you’re not familiar with FTP? I mean no insult, just not sure what “limited” means in your case, or how limited ??
1. google FTP client software, Filezilla is a good free one, download and install, launch; select file/site manager and add in your hosting info (should’ve come in your registration confirmation email for hosting/domain). Basically your domain path, user id and password
2. make sure your webhost supports mySQL and php; if so, usually the control panel provides an option to set up the database or a database wizard that’ll whip one up for you. Name it and the password. And make sure the domain is active and the nameservers are set correctly.
3. Unzip wp3.3 and pull the contents to your “work” folder for whatever the site is. Find wp_config-sample.php and change it to wp_config.php
3A – open it using notepad++ or whatever editor and add in your information for:
database user name, database password (from the database wizard); then scroll down to the SALT authentication section and copy the url, paste it in a browser window, load: copy all that code that comes up and then replace the code shown in the config file with the copied code. Enable multisite if applicable. Save.
4. Open FTP client and log into site. Go to root (main site folder) or a directory if you want it in a separate directory.
root =
sub directory =
5. Open the wordpress folder and highlight everything in it on the left hand side of your FTP client. Click the upload button. Give it a few minutes and everything should be moved to the folder chosen.
All uploaded.
type in your domain url or path to the wp installation, should have the main activation screen. Fill out your info, save, log in…enjoy
If you meant something else, apologies…but that’s how it reads – how to upload wordpress…