• I bought the Pro Version and must be a dummy, because I cannont figure out where to get started setting this up.

    I have 4 levels of memberships. Membership levels 1 ~ 3 have options a, b and c. Membership level 4 does not have options.

    The way I want to set this up is my user signs up for level and chooses and option (level 1~3 – no options level 4). The system then sends an email link that is based on the options chosen.

    Also, I have a paypal pro account and since the levels are reoccurring monthly I want to set it up for automatic reoccuring payments.

    I guess I am not understanding what I need to do to get this working. Are there videos or instructions for dummies somewhere?


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  • Videos may be found at https://www.s2member.com/videos/

    For text-based instructions, just go to s2member.com and use the search function there.

    I was lost too Tash, well, still am in a lot of ways. But what I ended up doing is just go to the general options page of s2member and go down the list in that order. It doesn’t really flow or make sense but just do it in order. Each section will stop you and have you select an option or make a page and lable it, ect… When you get to your pay pal options, I suggest you have on one screen with pay pal logged in and also another screen with s2member and just go down the list. You will be pulling info from pay pal and pasting it on s2member. The videos didn’t really help me but you can probably stay on track with the first 2, They are crappy u-tube vids and after the first 2, “error in media” they stop playing. LOL

    But basically, if I read your post correctly you want the first level to be free right? But the visitors need to register in order to view? So then they register and then… you give them options… level 2, level 3, 4… (or b, c, d) ??? I hope I am not steering you wrong but if I understood what you said, it sounds like you want #4 (d) to be free? I don’t think that is possible. The way I understand this is it flows in levels eg; say 1 is free so 2,3, and 4 can view. Say level 2 is whatever price people buy it at and they can view 1, 2… someone that purchases 3… can view 1, 2, 3 and so on. Someone correct me if I am wrong…

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