• How can I go about integrating WordPress and osCommerce?

    I am posting this message to both the WordPress and the osCommerce people. I wonder if the WordPress people will point me to the osCommerce people and if

    the osCommerce people will point me to the WordPress people? Anyway here’s trying.

    I found a plugin called WP Online Store, which at first seemed really great. It promises to be an osCommerce plugin for WordPress. But I am finding too

    many bugs in it. The support seems sparse. And I could not promise that the extensions and mods which work for osCommerce will work for WP Online Store

    as WP Online Store is a fork of osCommerce and not osCommerce itself. Better to stick with the originals in this instance.

    So I am on my second attempt. On this attempt I “simply” create two separate installations, one for osCommerce and one for WordPress. I display the osCommerce inside of WordPress by doing this.

    Create a page called ‘SHOP’

    go to this page for advise.


    place the javascript that goes between the <head> and </head> tags into the top.php file of my theme changing the top.php file via APPEARANCE > EDITOR in the WP backend.

    place only this code in the SHOP PAGE

    <iframe width=”100%” id=”myFrame” src=”https://www.stockton-website-design.net/shop/catalog/&#8221; scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    then the osCommerce store will appear without scrollbars and will seem to be the correct length, as the iframe will resize to accomodate the length of the store at any given time.

    Then I go to checkout and I can’t see the end of the checkout page.

    So I change the value from 30 to 200 in two places in the javascript that I picked up from the above URL



    Now I can see the ‘Continue’ buttons at the end of each checkout page even if the SHOP page tends to run long. Compromises will be made.

    btw, configured the PayPal Express payment module. It’s the only one I’m testing.

    But when I go to checkout, either by creating an account, OR by jumping directly to PayPal, I get to a blank screen.

    I discover that *IF* I right click on the button which ought to take me to PayPal and then open the frame in a new tab that I can get to PayPal.

    I then read someplace that I should be able to get directly to PayPal by left clicking if I put a target=”_top” into the links leading to PayPal.

    But this is where I get stuck. I looked through the .php files for the spots to insert the target=”_top” code for the links, I see that the buttons are more complicated than that. In the page source code for osCommerce I see this.

    <div style=”float: right;”>
    <span class=”tdbLink”>
    <button id=”tdb6″ type=”submit”>Continue</button>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>$(“#tdb6″).button({icons:{primary:”ui-icon-triangle-1-e”}}).addClass(“ui-priority-primary”).parent().removeClass(“tdbLink”);</script>

    Which means I would need to find the javascript responsible for the Continue button actions and then modify it. This is far beyond my capability. I am looking for either.

    #1. Instructions or advice on how to modify osCommerce to be fully utilizable in an <iframe>

    #2. Advise on how to make osCommerce and WordPress live a happy marriage together.


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