• BHruska


    The getwid image slider always shows controls above and below on the left side of the images. Can’t seem to get them to move. They are on the images when in design mode, but when I view the page they always default to above and below the images.

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  • Plugin Support eugenewhite


    Hello there! 

    Sorry to hear that you faced such an issue with our Image Slider block. 

    However, locally it seems to work perfectly fine, there are no issues with navigation arrows on back and front end. 

    So will it be possible for you to provide us with your website URL where this issue can be checked? Thank you! 

    Thread Starter BHruska


    Here’s an example. i just created a simple slider with three pictures. Its the only block on the page. The arrows are above and below on the left side.


    I’ve literally tried dozens of ways to get it to work normal. Changed every conceivable option and setting.

    Plugin Support eugenewhite


    Hello there! 

    Sorry for the delayed response. 

    Here’s a custom CSS code that should be helpful:?

    .wp-block-getwid-content-slider.has-arrows-inside .slick-next, .wp-block-getwid-content-slider.has-arrows-inside .slick-prev, .wp-block-getwid-images-slider.has-arrows-inside .slick-next, .wp-block-getwid-images-slider.has-arrows-inside .slick-prev, .wp-block-getwid-media-text-slider.has-arrows-inside .slick-next, .wp-block-getwid-media-text-slider.has-arrows-inside .slick-prev, .wp-block-getwid-post-carousel.has-arrows-inside .slick-next, .wp-block-getwid-post-carousel.has-arrows-inside .slick-prev, .wp-block-getwid-post-slider.has-arrows-inside .slick-next, .wp-block-getwid-post-slider.has-arrows-inside .slick-prev{
    position: absolute;
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