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  • i get this also and my jquery is already loaded and so is everything else…
    inf fact this is the last script loade don the page so what gives?

    ok so it works somewhat when the form is embedded in a post not if the form is in your theme.
    so we need to fix that…
    next its using an old jquery.ui and looking for curCss which is depracated but the plugin seems to load its own jquery.ui…. so i dunno
    so we need to fix that….

    ok so wordpress has updated their version of jquery and this uses old code….
    so its broken.


    go to the jquery.ui page. download a custom version with the following:
    the core.
    and autocomplete.
    save and get custom js.
    open the plugin to its js file and replace the 1.18 or whatever it is with our new one.

    open gfcptaddonbase.php
    find the line that says
    $src = plugins_url( ‘js/jquery-ui-1.18.16.custom.min.js’ , __FILE__ ),

    change the name to our new one 1.10.3 viola it works.
    now it just wont work unless its from an embedded form in a post,
    not from theme form…

    With WP 3.6 it displays the same error. Any idea when this will get fixed?


    Uncaught TypeError: Object function (e,t){return new x.fn.init(e,t,r)} has no method ‘curCSS’ jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js?ver=3.6:14
    Uncaught ReferenceError: gfcpt_tag_inputs is not defined tag-it.init.js?ver=3.6:6

    get rid of that old jquery. see my post above.
    you can replace it

    but even then theres till is an error of using gravity form in your templates. it still wont work

    So it looks as though the problem is actually occuring in the enqueue_custom_scripts function in gfcptaddonbase.php

    It is setting $this->_has_tag_inputs = true;

    however, when it comes to loading the enqueue_scripts, it is seeing that value as false, so not setting the missing variable.

    Should be easy enough to fix for the author?

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