• Resolved s1r0n


    I install the plugin but when I try to get it working with NGINX it returns garbage to the screen like the kind you see below? help

    x??}?rG???b?? ?r?o????V???X{??0}????膻??".? ? ?.???6??c???F????j5??7?M?UYYY?Y?YYU'?>??????g??l???f?????L_?T B/MOk?V?~PS??Nk:j?????????7????VX????hO??|z????gxiA.?h6?p????v?Lt???KR???~|?U?a-y}Z? ?|’YM ?(???~6>??U0?M??? ??~<??Dr?Z??%50=i?{*?JtxZ?&?0uM?=<???lz?n?&?Q+NF?7è?????? .?*????DL????tК???/?0?~?t??L??3???i????z??v6?/?l$??Q?u??[????I[?r?? e??S?d???/?py1?c}tE??P??2??:??????????eg??k??/??/G???o????9z?bH?????O?8????<????j*?K?6?6qS16^??$?2?l1%???0xYG?$M???W??Z?=?????WZ?U?vH??????dB?O+#20>F?Dm?????^?Z=??N?Zgun?x2j?^?6iZW??n?#??(?G???A?????7 ????T??T??'??N?y???zO?????TF???{w;???Y:($?D???6??L?^??t??????j3???i??? ??t?x??w??? ??$?T??C??Q$??<??5?^???n???$??Y???0!&???? iU?4???(m?ù?')?l?>??;??R??V???6?0t???C?=B????q?O?????,??i?.?=Du6?0 ????W{)??+a??????Z??97'??4?Q???FP?,??c?h???R ??g?@?"???I?q?h???????_MYT=??YCH?G:???:y?!?tj?V?<??1zoe??????^?u????f???[?m??$??n?X???C?y?}??sY?S????nn?Y??????d???k???uv:*O??_??e????C~????v[???r|?V????5???1 %}?l?.^/????????q??Y?M?S????????T?f0K?xRBe?a:?i?^?L>}???????;???|?N???,{?j??[??z?G??&???Z?Q???<??_??e?}? 4!|Y???1????3??W#??A?#/W??}??/??????????b? 2?8?/ ?:??鼖?on?k?z?????s?????? z?+??>?k/O??X??X?o?*?h~i?(l:1)??,N?p ?+6r????Q/??t?7???8?? ????n?su&?-?r??d^??’?X?/????xvzZ?E??????Q?????Ov??h? L?!???|*1?????;w??~<?!???J??/vm???I?????^K?X?A4??w? @??w?x??,??Y}???].r????z????n?#Q?x??w?Q{??E%q?O?Gq&|?(x’??,???;??O??T?z? u4??g??3K?????`W??w\???q?? ?i??;??????yc?Ij??3????Oj3??????E??????-C?i ?<?74%np??zQ??F????8?w;{??%I.? ????\?9??{b??e??X NF??(1??????.?on?~t?f8????n?NH??^?j??AQ?3??q ?$E}b????K??$????MXR??iw3??O+??z-???s!??U


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  • Plugin Author petermolnar


    Please leave at least the site name, the configuration, the versions, the plugins, the PHP & PHP plugin versions you’re using, otherwise your post is just as much garbage as the text you seem to see.

    Thread Starter s1r0n




    php 5.3.3
    nginx version 1.0.15
    plugin version most recent.

    what configuratin are you looking for? the nginx config? i use the version provided by the plugin.

    i think this might have to do with the fact that memcache is compressing the object, and its passing a compressed object to nginx, which doesn’t know how to handle it properly.

    Thread Starter s1r0n


    i tried setting

    memcache.compress_threshold 50000000
    memcached.compress_threshold 50000000

    didn’t make a difference. i’m currently using APC as the backend and that seems to be working. does that still use memcached?

    Thread Starter s1r0n


    well fixed it. set


    in /etc/php.d/memcache.ini

    and it all works hunky dory now.

    surprised am I that this hasn’t happened to others before

    Plugin Author petermolnar


    This is interesting, thank you for sharing.
    About the config, I meant you’re using memcache/memcached extension and generally the memcached server config and the wp-ffpc config but I’m very happy it sorted itself out.

    I’ll keep a note about this setting.

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