• Hello,

    I have developed a free plugin for WordPress. I use git as control version system and I commit changes to SVN repository with “git svn dcommit”.

    Some weeks ago I pulled two commits from a contributor. Firts commit had a syntax error, which was fixed in the second one. This is the log history:

    b817937 Fixed redefined Services_JSON class error
    6d97008 Replaced home_url with plugin_url to support sites with different plugin folder.
    cc3dece Fixed apply_filters mistake
    4ad0f87 Autodetect plugins folder
    d01987d Fix compatibility issue with WooCommerce <= 2.1

    Commit 4ad0f87 introduced a PHP syntax error, which was fixed in next commit (cc3dece).

    SVN trunk is synchronized with git at d01987d commit. I can’t publish changes to SVN cause the first uncommited commit has a syntax error.

    Committing to https://plugins.svn.www.ads-software.com/woocommerce-sermepa-payment-gateway/trunk ...
            M       wc_redsys_payment_gateway.php
    ERROR from SVN:
    Un 'hook' del repositorio falló: Commit blocked by pre-commit hook (exit code 1) with output:
    PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ',' in - on line 101
    PHP error in: woocommerce-sermepa-payment-gateway/trunk/wc_redsys_payment_gateway.php:
    Errors parsing woocommerce-sermepa-payment-gateway/trunk/wc_redsys_payment_gateway.php
    W: b81793732ac30514b896ab2009efcdbe67caa1f3 and refs/remotes/trunk differ, using rebase:
    :040000 040000 7ca06317d4a1104258981be8299d4059843f5939 b37c908255f37804a57c00c3a39351c0da33a7ce M      libs
    :100644 100644 312ccc13e97e896187c229eeb8f10d2cb7676a47 2064e935d475a226caa1b36e0573d98b771970ef M      readme.txt
    :100644 100644 c54918043016c3d7fad6213c004f4a633e2771df f76fe73c0ed651b70e5ac37fc8f742c607858f76 M      wc_redsys_payment_gateway.php
    Current branch master is up to date.
    ERROR: Not all changes have been committed into SVN, however the committed
    ones (if any) seem to be successfully integrated into the working tree.
    Please see the above messages for details.

    How can I publish pending changes to SVN repository?

    Kind regards,

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