• Hi!

    I have a site that have profile pages, where the url and slug are the same. I can change the body tag, but this only works if the pages have different slugs/urls. Is it possible to achieve total unique id′s regardless slug/url?


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  • Casey Driscoll


    Hi jerryskate,

    I’m not completely sure I follow, but this is how I understand the situation.

    First, all Custom Post Types, Pages included, are stored in the wp_posts table, each having a unique id. You can query the url with that id, and it will take you to that CPT or page. For example, every WordPress install usually starts with “Hello World” post at id = 1. So if you go to https://yourdomain.com/?p=1, you’ll query for that post and it will redirect. Does that make sense? So every page has a unique id/url in that sense.

    What I think you are asking about though is regarding your theme. Do I understand that you want to add a unique html id parameter to the body tag of each page? That should be possible to do, but perhaps not very straight forward.

    Does this more accurately describe your problem?
    Do you have a public link I can see?
    What theme are you using?

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter jerryskate


    Hi and thanks for the reply.

    My problem first, is that the theme, or buddypres uses one template for all the pages i wanna change, and in unsure i can make custom templates for them, so i don’t think they have unique id′son the traditional way. Heres a link: https://abovebasics.com/community/members/jerry/

    My goal is to have custom background images as the one you see in the link, so i ned a unique id for the tabs activity, profile, stats and so on.

    Casey Driscoll


    From what I can tell you are really close to what you want.

    It looks like you are using the sweetdate theme, so I would encourage you to find support from the developer. You will probably find better support there, and you paid for it.


    The body tag already includes a class with the page title in it. It isn’t that far of a stretch to include a unique ID like the post id

    <?php body_class($class); ?>


    If you look in header.php, you will find the <body> tag or where to find it.

    I’m not sure how to fully implement what you are looking to do though, but this should get you started.

    Thread Starter jerryskate


    Thanks again. Yeah, I’ve been in contact with the support, and hopefully they can help me out. Eager to fix these kind if stuff though, and yeah, feels like I’m getting close. And since it been hard to find any documentation on this by google, i thought it would be nice to find a solution here for future references.

    I got the page class title with <body <?php page_bodyclass(); ?>>

    And this in functions.

    function page_bodyclass() {  // add class to <body> tag
    	global $wp_query;
    	$page = '';
    	if (is_front_page() ) {
        	   $page = 'home';
    	} elseif (is_page()) {
       	   $page = $wp_query->query_vars["pagename"];
    	if ($page)
    		echo 'class= "'. $page. '"';

    Just need to make it output the class more unique.. for me to fetch a longer slug would work good.

    Casey Driscoll


    Yep that is exactly what you are looking for.

    The object $wp_query is a big object full of everything that will be on that page.

    It includes the query_vars array, which has several items in it.


    It is currently using one of them, the pagename. The link above includes everything in the array though. So if you changed it to:

    $page = $wp_query->query_vars["page_id"];

    it would later echo out the unique page number instead of the name.

    So if you are somehow storing the bg image somewhere, you could now set the CSS to body.### <- Whatever the users page id is.

    And actually now that you are here, you could simply leave the class and create another $page_id variable and echo id="' . $page_id ." instead of putting in the class, if you wanted to at least.

    Also there is an extra space in there, class= ". Please remove that before I go nuts ??

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter jerryskate


    Im not sure how the plugin works, but it uses a universal page for all the profilepages, and thus not outputs a unique page-id? Thats kinda what i′ve thought, and thus looking for a longer slug or something like that. Will have a look in the codex and see if something fits the bill.

    And spaces removed ??

    Thread Starter jerryskate


    Oh and if i change the query to post_id or something else, do i need to change the body tag too? On second thigh, thats just calls the function called page_bodyclass i guess.. Nevermind. Late, and tired.

    Casey Driscoll


    If it helps, you’re not changing the query, just accessing what is already inside.

    If you add something like

    echo '<pre>' . print_r(  $wp_query->query_vars, true ) . '</pre>';

    you will see a dump of everything stored in there…. except it will be *inside* the body tag… so you’ll have to view source.

    Thread Starter jerryskate


    Oh thats was interesting and helpful for future adventures, can see the output. Pretty cool, ill try to see if i find something unique to grab hold on. Thanks!

    Casey Driscoll


    This is a really inelegant hack, but ~~would~~ *should* work

    function page_bodyclass() {  // add class AND ID to <body> tag
    	global $wp_query;
    	$page = '';
            $page_id = '';
    	if (is_front_page() ) {
        	   $page = 'home';
    	} elseif (is_page()) {
       	   $page = $wp_query->query_vars["pagename"];
       	   $page_id = $wp_query->query_vars["page_id"];
    	if ($page) echo 'class="'. $page . '"';
    	if ($page_id) echo 'id="'. $page_id . '"';
    Thread Starter jerryskate


    Unfortunaly not too much output thats unique for the page, except the name. Maybe body class is the wrong way to go.

    Casey Driscoll


    what does the page id return? and what is the plugin? I find it interesting that there is only one page involved.

    There must be a variable somewhere that stores what you need.

    Thread Starter jerryskate


    It′s Buddypress.

    Here′s the output:

        [page] => 0
        [pagename] => jerry
        [error] =>
        [m] =>
        [p] => 0
        [post_parent] =>
        [subpost] =>
        [subpost_id] =>
        [attachment] =>
        [attachment_id] => 0
        [name] => jerry
        [static] =>
        [page_id] => 0
        [second] =>
        [minute] =>
        [hour] =>
        [day] => 0
        [monthnum] => 0
        [year] => 0
        [w] => 0
        [category_name] =>
        [tag] =>
        [cat] =>
        [tag_id] =>
        [author] =>
        [author_name] =>
        [feed] =>
        [tb] =>
        [paged] => 0
        [comments_popup] =>
        [meta_key] =>
        [meta_value] =>
        [preview] =>
        [s] =>
        [sentence] =>
        [fields] =>
        [menu_order] =>
        [category__in] => Array
        [category__not_in] => Array
        [category__and] => Array
        [post__in] => Array
        [post__not_in] => Array
        [tag__in] => Array
        [tag__not_in] => Array
        [tag__and] => Array
        [tag_slug__in] => Array
        [tag_slug__and] => Array
        [post_parent__in] => Array
        [post_parent__not_in] => Array
        [author__in] => Array
        [author__not_in] => Array
        [ignore_sticky_posts] =>
        [suppress_filters] =>
        [cache_results] => 1
        [update_post_term_cache] => 1
        [update_post_meta_cache] => 1
        [post_type] =>
        [posts_per_page] => 10
        [nopaging] =>
        [comments_per_page] => 50
        [no_found_rows] =>
        [order] => DESC

    Thread Starter jerryskate


    So name is unique, and the only page i can style different. If i go to profile, or friends, or notifications that changes to that page name, which is universal for all the profile pages.

    Casey Driscoll


    is there a reason name won’t work? It seems buddypress would protect slug uniqueness in that case.

    I haven’t used buddypress that much but I’ll see if I have time to install and try it.

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