Hi, @ganddser.
I’m glad you reached out. I can certainly help you.
Typically, this error means some broken code is causing your site to crash. It is a WordPress system-generated message that means something has caused a PHP fatal error. Whenever you see that message, a more detailed error log has been sent to the main admin email address (which you can configure at Settings > General in the main WordPress settings).
Check that email, and then pass along any error messages you are receiving so we can help. Every time you see that error, it sends another email. If you need to, you can trigger a new email to be able to see the error message again.
If you don’t see that error in your email (WordPress emails are notoriously unreliable that way), you’ll need to ask your host for the error logs. They will be able to send you a complete record of the errors on your site. Once they provide you with this file, send it to us, and we will be able to identify the issue and move towards a resolution for you.
?Also, please send along your System Info.Navigate to Donations –> Tools –> System Info (tab) and click the button to “Get System Report” and copy/paste that in your reply here. That will give me some more context to be able to help.
Your success with online donations is our number one priority. Looking forward to helping you get to the bottom of this!