Hi Matthew,
I had difficulty figuring out how to open a ticket and had sent in the problem via ‘contact us’ as well before I figured it out. Someone named Rick reached out to me and told me that there is a known issue with the legacy donation template using the shortcode to display it. My theme actually has a WP Bakery element to display the GiveWP donation form, but somehow the issue where the PayPal button does not display happened for us as well when we upgraded our GiveWP plugin from version 2.33.1 to version 3.6.1.
So, I recreated our donation form to use the classic template instead. I was able to get the PayPal button to appear, but it took a lot of time to figure out how to remove the venmo button & all the credit card fields. I finally found the new settings added to the PayPal payment method and was able to turn venmo off and use smart buttons only for the payment field type.
I do still have an issue, thought, because we didn’t want the “Debit or Credit Card” button. I tested it and am waiting for verification that those donations make it to the account correctly.
- Is there a way to remove the Debit or Credit card button
- Why does my custom CSS not work on the classic form? I have ‘inspected’ the page and can hide whatever I want from there, but the loading of the page ignores ALL my CSS formatting, both what I had for the legacy form & any new formatting for the new form. I did change the CSS to reference the new form number. Somehow, it is just not allowing me to change any of the formatting for the form.
Thank you for following up. I spent hours last night getting everything working so the website could accept donations again. I look forward to your response.
thanks, Terri