The link that you provided (the 400 bad request one) is working for me. Is it still producing a problem for you?
IF it is, please confirm the country of origin where you are making this request so I can confirm specifically which endpoint your hitting.
If it is now working, perhaps you made an adjustment to the site settings? When you register on our site to create an account, the site URL is very sensitive to needing to be matched to what you endter in the wordpress plugin settings page.
Even a trailing slash (or lack thereof) could generate a problem. We are working towards making this less sensitive but note that if you register with the following domain :
And then enter the site in the plugin settings as follows :
Note the lack of a trailing slash. This is the most common reason for 400 bad request errors that happen. You can see in this support forum it happening quite a bit and it usually is just a minor typo in the site URL.
I could be off base here, but the screenshots you provided show things like icons breaking which really just means we aren’t able to fetch the source url (as it was entered) properly.
If I’m off base, then please clarify further and I’ll try my best to help!
Thank you for using our plugin!