• Resolved wordpressdharma


    Hi, you mentioned on your description that Cloudflare APO pushes out cached content to all servers globally, even without a visit from each one.

    However, you said that your plugin does not do this.


    1. When we edit a page on our WordPress site, does that page get purged immediately on all global servers?

    2. Does it require a visit from each server for that page to become recached? This initial visit we presume will not be fast loading if this is the case.

    3. Does editing a page on the site also require purging of the home page, or of the entire site (as reported to us by Nitropack) in order for CSS to remain consistent?

    Thank you,

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  • Plugin Contributor iSaumya


    you mentioned on your description that Cloudflare APO pushes out cached content to all servers globally, even without a visit from each one.

    – Checkout this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/preloading-the-cache-per-edge-server/

    When we edit a page on our WordPress site, does that page get purged immediately on all global servers?

    – Yes

    Does it require a visit from each server for that page to become recached? This initial visit we presume will not be fast loading if this is the case.

    – That is correct but if you enable Argo Smart Tiered Cache it your HIT count will increase tremendously. Check the above-mentioned thread.

    Does editing a page on the site also require purging of the home page, or of the entire site (as reported to us by Nitropack) in order for CSS to remain consistent?

    – I can’t comment about Nitropack, but inside the plugin settings if you have enabled Purge related pages then if the home page & related archive pages will get purged automatically.

    Thread Starter wordpressdharma


    Hi Saumya,

    Thanks for the response. Here are follow-up questions. Please bring your answer down to layman’s terms, because we cannot understand exactly what you are saying, even though we have read the articles you have cited.


    1. When editing a page, you say that page gets purged immediately on all global servers. Can your plugin ensure that only the page code gets purged, and NOT the assets such as images? It would be a shame to have to re-cache all images on global servers when only a minor text change has been made.

    2. What do you mean by “purging related pages”? As far as we know, our entire site is composed of simple static pages, and though they have links to one another, each page is completely independent of other pages. What are archive pages? Our question is really simple. We just want to know if other pages are going to be automatically purged globally when working on any particular single page. When using WP-Rocket, we notice that each time we edit a page, for some reason we immediately lose our Page Speed score, which drops dramatically. Yet we were not working on the home page! Would this happen with CloudFlare and your plugin? We use Divi theme.

    3. When a page is purged, you say that it does indeed require a visit to re-cache that page. To us, this means that the first visitor will have a slow experience. Your answer above says that if we enable Argo Smart Tiered Cache then our HIT count will increase tremendously. We checked the thread you cited but we do not understand your meaning (what is HIT?) and how will enabling this feature will the need for someone to visit the page in order to re-cache.

    Thank you,

    Plugin Contributor iSaumya


    1. When editing a page, you say that page gets purged immediately on all global servers. Can your plugin ensure that only the page code gets purged, and NOT the assets such as images? It would be a shame to have to re-cache all images on global servers when only a minor text change has been made.

    – Inside the plugin settings under the Cache tab, enable “Purge HTML Pages Only” option.

    What do you mean by “purging related pages”? As far as we know, our entire site is composed of simple static pages, and though they have links to one another, each page is completely independent of other pages. What are archive pages? Our question is really simple. We just want to know if other pages are going to be automatically purged globally when working on any particular single page. When using WP-Rocket, we notice that each time we edit a page, for some reason we immediately lose our Page Speed score, which drops dramatically. Yet we were not working on the home page! Would this happen with CloudFlare and your plugin? We use Divi theme.

    – I personally never use any page builder based themes nor I recommend anyone using them as none of those themes follows any coding guidelines and have many issues. That being said have you checked this option: https://i.imgur.com/hadhT7h.png

    When a page is purged, you say that it does indeed require a visit to re-cache that page. To us, this means that the first visitor will have a slow experience.

    – That is always the case. Until Clouidflare has received the first request it cannot cache that item as that request hasn’t travelled through CF network yet. This is same for even APO.

    what is HIT

    – HIT mean cache status HIT meaning the request is being served from CF server. Check: https://developers.cloudflare.com/cache/about/default-cache-behavior#cloudflare-cache-responses

    Generally when someone visit a page from one location that item will get cached to the CF CDN datacenter that received the request. So, when someone from another location request for the same item it will cache MISS there. But with Smart Tiered Cache enable it gets taken care of. Check the cloudflare article link mentioned in the previous thread whose link I have given above.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by laserstore.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by laserstore.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by laserstore.
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