• Hello all again!

    Is there a way to access a variable globally? I have a news site were we have each new with a country they belong to. We need to display them by regions (USA, Europe, Resto of the world) in various pages.

    So I was wondering… is there a way to define a global variable and make it available to all my wordpress functions?

    I’d like to define a 2 dimension array with the three regions and then on each subarray the list of countries that belong to that region. Example
    – USA
    – Europe
    — Spain
    — France
    — Italy
    — Greece
    – World
    — Argentina
    — Brazil
    — China

    So that when I need to display a region’s news I can do something like grabng all the news and say “if it’s in this region’s subarray then show, if not don’t”.

    Is it possible? Do you find a better way to achieve this?

    Thanks a lot!

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