• Resolved tristanpannatier



    I am trying to set up a glossary. I have made two entries to test the tool

    Here’s the link to the glossary with the two entries: https://tristanpannatier.com/glossary-stanislavskis-system/

    The problem is that the these two terms are not detected anywhere in my website. There are no links nor toolbox appearing in connection with these two terms. Neither on a post page (for example: https://tristanpannatier.com/8-belief-and-the-sense-of-truth-konstantin-stanislavski-an-actors-work/) nor on the glossary item pages (for example: https://tristanpannatier.com/glossary-stanislavskis-system/belief/), although in the general settings, under “Highlight terms on given post types” both “Article (post)” and “Glossary item (glossary” are included.

    Can anyone help me ?

    I’m copying below my system info.

    Thank you so much in advance for your kind help, I would so like to make this wonderful tool work !


                                        ### Begin System Info ###
                ## Please include this information when posting support requests ##
                Package Version:                1.1.4
                Multisite:                No
                SITE_URL:                 https://tristanpannatier.com
                HOME_URL:                 https://tristanpannatier.com
                WordPress Version:        6.2
                Permalink Structure:      /%postname%/
                Active Theme:             astra-child 1.0
                Registered Post Stati:    publish, future, draft, pending, private, trash, auto-draft, inherit, request-pending, request-confirmed, request-failed, request-completed, dp-rewrite-republish
                PHP Version:              7.3.33
                MySQL Version:            5.7.32-log
                Web Server Info:          Apache
                WordPress Memory Limit:   640M
                PHP Memory Limit:         640M
                PHP Upload Max Size:      300M
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                PHP Time Limit:           60
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                PHP Arg Separator:        &
                PHP Allow URL File Open:  Yes
                WP_DEBUG:                 Disabled
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                Show On Front:            page
                Page On Front:            Home (#36)
                Page For Posts:           BLOG (#43)
                            WP Remote Post:           wp_remote_post() works
                Session:                  Disabled
                Session Name:             PHPSESSID
                Cookie Path:              /
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                DISPLAY ERRORS:           On (1)
                FSOCKOPEN:                Your server supports fsockopen.
                cURL:                     Your server supports cURL.
                SOAP Client:              Your server has the SOAP Client enabled.
                SUHOSIN:                  Your server does not have SUHOSIN installed.
                                Package Version 1.1.4    OK
                    WordPress Version 6.2                OK
                    Permalinks enabled Yes                OK
                    PHP Version 7.3.33                OK
                    mbstring support On                OK
                    intl support On                OK
                    PHP Memory Limit 640M                OK
                    PHP Max Upload Size 300M                OK
                    PHP Max Post Size 300M                OK
                    PHP Max Execution Time 60                                    This value can be too low for lengthy operations. We strongly suggest setting this value to at least 300 or 0 which is no limit.
                    PHP cURL On                OK
                    PHP allow_url_fopen On                OK
                ##ACTIVE PLUGINS:
                CM Tooltip Glossary: 4.2.6
    Elementor: 3.1.4
    Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights: 8.1.0
    Import / Export Customizer Settings: 1.0.4
    Instant Images: 4.3.5
    LuckyWP Table of Contents: 2.1.4
    MailPoet 3 (New): 3.72.0
    Modula: 2.5.5
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    Starter Templates: 2.6.2
    UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: 1.22.3
    Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery: 2.15.3
    VOD Infomaniak: 1.4.4
    WordPress Importer: 0.7
    WP Armour - Honeypot Anti Spam: 2.0.1
    WP Super Cache: 1.7.2
    Yoast Duplicate Post: 4.1.1
    Yoast SEO: 16.2
                ### End System Info ###

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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