• Hi

    Sorry for being such a pain but i am not into programming or html, i have been looking for a good text popup plugin for a long time to use with my film reviews so i can add additional information as a popup within the post when people hover over a word, these plugins seem to be able to do that.

    I have installed both plugins, the configuration for Tippy is default except that i have disabled the Should Tippy links use the title attribute (may cover part of the tooltip)?

    I have made a new entry for Glossy and called it jurassic_info_1

    There is no entry title, i have used https://www.darkrealmfox.com/film_reviews/2011/10/20/blu-ray-film-reviews-jurassic-park/ as a link to use with the Tippy title, i have set entry dimensions to 300×100.

    I have put entry contents in as text only, no html at all. It consists of this, Jurassic Park cost $63 million dollars to make and went on to gross $914,691,118 million dollars at the worldwide box office. The film was released to cinemas on June 11th 1993.

    I am having extreme difficulty in understanding how to add this into the post, i tried the tippy codes and placing the text within it, not working.

    Is there anyway you could supply instructions for the novice person on how this all works.

    Would i put [jurassic_info_1] in the post and the text would then show as a popup, i’m a little confused, how do you add images and text to posts as a popup. ? I tried pasting [jurassic_info_1] into a post and selecting html source, it didn’t work.

    What i want to do is have people hover over the words Jurassic Park and then the popup shows with the above information, i also want to be able to add later in the post an image with some text, i just cannot figure it out.

    So is there any chance that you could supply a walkthrough and instructions for the novice who has just come across your excellent plugin.

    I use Deans FCK Editor for wordpress to write and edit posts.

    What would really help me understand how this works is to provide a step by step instruction manual for both text, images and text and images, that would be of great use to me and no doubt other people who are not into programming or html.


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  • Thread Starter mal2809


    I have just been to the website of the author of the plugin, i have seen some examples of how this works but i’m still not 100% sure and could do with some step by step instructions written for noobs.

    Thread Starter mal2809


    I guess the plugin author doesn’t come to these forums, oh well i’m just going to disable this for now until i can figure it all out.

    Plugin Author Chris Roberts


    Hi mal2809,

    You’re right – I don’t check the forums very often, so I’m sorry that I’m just now seeing this. I try to respond to comments on my blog pretty quick, but rarely check the forums.

    As to your question (if you’re still interested) – It sounds like you have everything set up right, you just need to use the shortcode. Try inserting the following into a post:
    [gs jurassic_info_1]

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