Go to forum.blubrry.com for Support
For faster turn-around support for Blubrry PowrePress, please go to https://forum.blubrry.com/. The Blubrry staff monitors these forums daily.
Documentation for Blubrry PowerPress is available here: https://create.blubrry.com/resources/powerpress/. Everything from detailed explanation of settings to instructions how to setup Post Type podcasting is available here.
If you are looking for one-on-one support (e.g. scheduled Gotmeeting session), please see the podcasting consultation options available from blubrry.com: https://create.blubrry.com/support/podcast-consulting-services/.
We do our best to help everyone with our plugin and with podcasting. If you are a paying customer, we encourage you to use the contact form, support for our podcast media hosting and podcast download statistics services is included with our services. If you are using our free tools such as Blubrry PowerPress plugin for WordPress, please use the Blubrry Forums, we will get to your question as soon as we have time available, typically within 24 hours or less.
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