• Good evening everyone,

    One of my side-jobs (or side-hobby, rather) has been administrating a WordPress site that’s hosted by GoDaddy, which I inherited after the original administrator took a leave of absence. One of my tasks was to redesign the website, which I’ve since done on a local development machine.

    On the development machine, I’ve successfully Exported the WordPress contents to an .XML file on one installation and Imported them on a second – which is how I’d imagine I’d be deploying the new site.

    However, I once attempted such a task by creating a new MySQL Database, altering the wp-config and running the Import procedure live… which bombed out twice. So the current thought process is to uninstall the current installation and install it from scratch, followed by an Import of the .XML document and moving over the relevant files (the developed Theme, necessary Javascript files and such).

    I’m assuming I schedule an uninstallation through GoDaddy’s Hosting Control Center, then schedule an installation. Has anyone had experience with a situation similar to this? Also, apologies if this is in the wrong location. It seems a bit… weird, so I was unsure of where it should reside.

    Thank you,

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  • Why not reinstall yourself? You don’t need to get GoDaddy to do it for you. Delete the database and start over. Installing WordPress ? WordPress Codex

    Thread Starter HeWhoWantsJeans


    That was my original thought – but I had already attempted that (by creating a new MySQL Database and editing the .config to refer to the new Database) and upon the Import of the .XML file (which has imported at least a half-dozen times locally fine on new installations), the procedure broke.

    My thought being that it was having an issue with existing WP files in the WP directories (content, mayhap?). From that, I’m figuring that I’d rather nuke the installation ‘from orbit’ to make sure I start with a clean foundation. No cobwebs. No mess.

    …the procedure broke.

    What exactly “broke?”

    Thread Starter HeWhoWantsJeans


    At an undetermined point in the import process, I just received an error akin to ‘The Import procedure could not be completed’. That was literally all the output I received. Upon a quick check in the Database, nothing had happened.

    Yet I was able to create Posts and Pages manually, which told me that the .config was fine and the MySQL user had proper access rights.

    Using FTP you can try increasing the memory for PHP and WordPress to give the importer more memory:

    1) You can edit the memory_limit line in your php.ini (if you have access to that file) to 64M:

    memory_limit = 64M;

    2) If that doesn’t work, then try adding the line below near the top of your wp-config.php file, right after the opening <?php

    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');

    If that doesn’t work, increase timeout and maximum input values in php.ini to near the size of the XML file:

    max_execution_time = 90
    max_input_time = 300
    post_max_size = 10M
    upload_max_filesize = 10M

    and then change them back later to prevent huge image uploads.


    If the original WordPress install was added using Go Daddy’s Hosting Connection quick-install process, you can also use it to uninstall (and I’d recommend going that route, although a manual uninstall would work as well). This is a quick step-by-step for removing an app via Hosting Connection – https://x.co/ic5c

    Once that’s done, I don’t see any reason a standard WP import would have a problem, unless, as songdogtech suggested, you’re running into a memory limit. I wouldn’t expect that to happen unless you have an unusually large amount of content, though. Let us know how it turns out for you… And if you need help running a full DB import, our Support staff should be able to help with that, or you could post your errors in here so we could try to help too.

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