• i used a php include to put the weblog on my main page in the middle column, while still maintaining the dedicated weblog page. what do you guys think: https://www.neilchatani.com
    incidentelly, i am having a problem with comments not displaying when a post is loaded by passing p=## to /blog/index.php any ideas?

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  • Dunno about the comments thing, unless you changed the bit in index.php that calls them up.
    Another thing is, the permalink at the top of each post (on your main, 3-column page) takes me to a page with the post but the left and right columns are missing – is that what you wanted?

    Thread Starter neilchatani


    yea that is what i was takling about the php include. the main page is totally different design then the weblog page. the weblog is no hassle but the main page presents a LOT more information then i want to display on the weblog page.
    so do you see what i’m talking about though about comments not showing up on the permalink page? if you go to that page and then click on a date on the left side to load all the posts for that date, you will notice that the comments appear, but not if you click on the permalinks? i’m stumped.

    Hmm… I don’t use pop-up comments in any of my WP installations. Perhaps someone else can confirm whether the “Comments (#)” link should, or should not, appear at the bottom of single-post pages (index.php?p=##) when pop-up comments are used?

    Thread Starter neilchatani


    i would appreciate that very much.

    Thread Starter neilchatani


    i fixed it myself. i modified the function comments_popup_link() in template-functions-comment.php
    by commenting out the second line below, and commenting out the corresponding closing bracket at the end of the function ( hint: it is the second to last bracket ) i was able to defeat the check that stops the link from displaying on single posts. I don’t know why anyone would want it to be this way. The only thing i can think of is that they dont want other people’s voices being shown on their own post’s permalink. Anyway, without further ado:
    global $comment_count_cache, $single;
    //if (!$single) { //SHOW COMMENTS EVEN ON SINGLE POSTS!
    if (” == $comment_count_cache[“$id”]) {

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