Hey @alexis14, thanks for taking the time to leave some feedback!
Your notes about the onboarding process (e.g. links to documentation, etc…) are well noted. We’ve aimed to keep the plugin as simple and unobtrusive as possible, but that does leave some question marks if you don’t happen to find docs.piecalendar.com. This is something we’ve been in discussions about improving, but we’re trying to be strategic to avoid adding to admin notice spam or hijacking the admin panel like some popular plugins do.
As far as translations, this is an area we’ve been primarily focused on in terms of making sure it’s translatable using something like LocoTranslate. We’re hoping to ship native translation files eventually, but can you provide an example of another plugin that handles translations in the way you’d like to see Pie Calendar handle them? We always like looking at well established examples when making improvements.
Finally, you can control which post types the Pie Calendar controls show up on via a simple filter. It’s outlined here: https://docs.piecalendar.com/article/25-show-pie-calendar-meta-box-only-on-specific-post-types. I hope that’s helpful and allows you to get even more use out of the plugin!