This plugin caused conflict with:
– Zero Spam for WordPress: if the protection is active is not possibile to insert a comment. Issue reported to the developer of the other plugin and also to this plugin team.
– Translate WordPress with GTranslate: issue reported to both developers. If the translation is active and the language is not the default one, user will be unable to write his comment. No issue with the standard wordpress comment system, only with Comments – wpDiscuz active.
– Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent (Issue resolved, now exist a guide how to solve issue with reCaptcha and cookie consent) This issue was not from this plugin so ok but required to me some works and time to resolve.
I also faced issue while try to add an additional admin badge near the author badge.
In a support topic team suggested me a code that inserted in the plugin My Custom Functions … however creating a child theme with another plugin and inserting the code directly in function.php resolve the crash I had.
Finally I removed this plugin because there is a lot of issue not resolved that as reply get: search for conflict with other plugin.
I requested also support because guest are not able to edit his message and the reply from the team was to check for other plugin incompatibility.
The list of the issue and of the incompatibility is long.
The plugin is amazing and I’m really sad to be forced to return to the default WordPress comments.
The most relevant issue is that I currently cannot use the extension GTranslate with this comment plugin. Will see if developers of the other plugin will find a solution.