• I’m thinking of using Google’s AdSense and incorporating it within my site. Any pointers or recommendations for the best way to go about doing this within Word Press 1.5?

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  • “Is there a reason why it doesn’t show up on my blog? I wondered if something is blocking it because I don’t see adsense on anyone else’s blogs either.”

    The ads are present at the top of your blog. I suspect that you have some ad-blocker installed on your machine (adblock?). The fact that you also don’t see ads on other people’s site fully supports this.

    @ scribble: I can see ur ads, so ur prob must be due to some ad-blocking s/w at ur end.

    I hav ads in the sidebar of all pages in my site. but now i also want to give ads at the top in every post –not on home page– but the post’s individual page. that is, i want to show ads on the top of the post, on the single page assigned to a particular post. someone plz help me. i am using the blix theme.

    okay okay, i have done it on my own. i edited single.php and got the result.

    Hey all, I wanted to post a solution that I have found to getting Google Adsense ads to show up within a post and have the text wrap around the adds. This may be simple and me simple minded but it took me a while to figure it out so I thought I would post it to see if it helped anyone.

    The directions are detailed so didn’t want to post it all here. Copy and paste this into your browser and find it there. I posted it on November 14th, 2005 if you need to search to find it.


    Hope it helps


    what i do on my blog is create a post and then put a <!–more–> tag followed by an <!–adsense–> tag, this means that every post has ads on it but most people don’t seem the right away. A big thing to remember though, is to download the keyword plugin and add meta tags to your posts or your adsense ads won’t be targeted and you won’t make any money.

    I managed to get AdSense displayed on my blog, but it’s not updating. At all.


    I have my adsense code just inside the <div id=”menu”> on my index.php, which must be wrong. Though I’m at a loss to explain why the ads that are displaying are clearly tied to one of the posts on the blog…. It must have worked at least once.

    I need adsense on all the pages on my sidebar. Anyone can tell me how i can to do that? Thanks..

    I added this code but the whole sidebar’s contents seems to be shifted to the right:
    <ul class=”links”>

    • <script type=”text/javascript”><!–
      google_ad_client = “pub-6149933906573721”;
      google_ad_width = 120;
      google_ad_height = 600;
      google_ad_format = “120x600_as”;
      google_ad_type = “text_image”;
      google_ad_channel =””;
      google_color_border = “FFFFFF”;
      google_color_bg = “FFFFFF”;
      google_color_link = “C10000”;
      google_color_url = “EFB73A”;
      google_color_text = “898989”;
      <script type=”text/javascript”
    • and i still don’t see the adsense on all of the pages with the sidebar ??

    supablog, that’s probably because the adsense width google_ad_width = 120; is wider than your sidebar ?

    I still have some problem with AdSense myself here https://www.cinencuentro.com
    I got to add it to the left sidebar. Also to the top of the centercolumn, but only for the home page, when I add it to the post or page template it will only show a blank space instead of the Ad. any ideas?

    More adsense questions- and thanks to all who are helping on this thread!

    I’m finding that even though I installed a keyword plugin, and am using tags for each post, my Adsense ads are not targeted to the page content, but are instead giving me blogging ads and site counter ads.

    Has anyone had any luck fixing the targeting of ads to match the page content?

    Thanks in advance,

    Using wordpress 2.0 I have pasted the Adsense code for the wide tower into my sidebar at https://www.redruin.com but I only seem to be getting ads targeted from content in my sidebar. Is this normal? It has shown exactly the same ads for days and days now. Should I have chosen the “using frames” option?

    Also, I noticed that the ads on https://www.redruin.com are different than on just https://redruin.com but are consistantly the same also… any clue as to what this could be from?? Thanks!

    I have put a simple howto on adding adsense to your wordpress website at https://wphowto.josvandijk.com. Might help.

    From the pain I suffered in trying to do this, I created a new plugin at https://usablefacts.com/2006/04/05/insert-google-adsense-in-wordpress/.

    Hope this helps you.

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