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    Hallo icb bin mir absolut sicher nie vorher dieses bl?de Google-Erpresser-Plugin installiert zu haben.

    Kann mich seit 5 Tage nicht mehr in meinen Blog einloggen.

    Wie kann ich Google überlisten um wieder kontrolle übee meinen Blog zu erhalten.

    Die Vorgehensweise diese Plugins Ist die REINSTE ERPRESSUNG.

    Icb erwarte nun eine detailierte Vorgehensweise Von Euch, da Ihr dieses Plugin, auch nicht vvorher auf Unbedenklichkeit geprüfft habt, wehm sollen wir Blog Anf?nger noch trauen dürfen, überlegt Euch das mal!

    Fritz Raddatz

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  • I’m sorry but these are English language community forums, so please use English or provide an English translation. Alternatively, use a WP support forum in your language.

    Thread Starter freddysblog


    Ok than I tried explain my problem in english:

    Some Day’s ago I never can login in all in my WP-Blog’s from my Pc?

    But my two Admin’s have no Problem’s?

    How I can used my used my Blog-Account’s again?

    Give me please a step by Step way to got a new Google authentic code?

    Or is that possible Google Autentic code to diesable?

    Because my using OS ist not Widows or Apple, I’m still over year’s

    using Ubuntu Linux, that is never hacked!

    Please give me your detailed Advice to change my Problem.

    Best Regards from Ploen(Pl?n)

    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]

    Why do you think you need a Google authentication code?

    Thread Starter freddysblog


    Hy esmis that is a good answer, yust now I had delete all my google duties, includig my google-Mailaccount and also Google ++!

    I was terrible angry about this kind of modern slavery.

    I had used Google authentic code in the past very well.

    But yesterday the july 29, my WordPress Blog Loging was blokket.

    I had change my Password 3 x, but nothing’s want to work.

    I do not know, wat I can do now!

    Do you have a good Idear, to fix it up?

    (sorry about my english?

    Thank’s forward.


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