Google Authorship & Publisher
Good Morning
I added my Google+ Personal Profile url to the settings field for Google Authorship unfortunately it is also using my Personal Profile information for rel=publisher, which is incorrect. I have both a Google+ Personal Profile, Grace Massa Langlois and Google+ Business Page. The Business Page has its own ID for publisher mark up. Is there a setting in which I can add the Business Page Profile url?
That’s wonderful! Thank you Peter.
Hi Grace,
If things work out as explained by Peter, I think it is ok.
If every contributor has a profile set up with google plus, there is no cause for alarm because their posts will definitely be attributed wiith their google author profile.
If perchance, a contributor doesn’t specify author profile, is there anything wrong in attaching the post to the publisher being one of the author in the brand.
Hey Peter,
I have a question if you can answer for me please?
I just got my initial code to link to my website with the following Google+ code ==>″ rel=”publisher”
Now, since this is my business page, then I have the same author writing on all my posts, then I would want to add this code in the “Additional Front Page Headers:” Advanced Settings section of AIOSEO right?
But when I add that in, and then run it with — it is giving me the error message saying that i have a “Stray end tag </head>.
So, I don’t think it is working. Am I doing something wrong? Also,
I already have this code in my Front Page headers — so I don;t know if it is conflicting ==> <meta property=”og:image” content=””/>So, I just put your code on the line below it so it looks like this ==>
<meta property=”og:image” content=””/>″ rel=”publisher”—
And 2 quick notes: I had to remove the (a href code) that surrounds these links above because It was just showing up as Google+ as a link ==> I also prefer to not use my Google+ page here, so I changed a couple digits, so these links are not working above, and its also no-ones link…. I made sure of that.Thanks in advance,
LillyHi Lilly,
Please start a new thread for this, thanks. No, you don’t need to enter in code in Additional Front Page headers – authors can add their Google+ profile ids in their profile and it will show up properly on their posts.
Hi Peter,
I’m back. I have another question. Google released this post in late August, <a href=”
“>rel=”author” frequently asked (advanced) questions. The rel=”author” tag should only appear on pages with a single article, is there a way to have the tag only appear on certain pages? I believe currently the tag appears on all pages except the home page and posts as well as the Media attachment pages. The tag is not appearing for category pages, archive pages or paginated pages.In my case and I’m going to assume for others as well, having the tag appear on pages like the About Page, Contact Page, Privacy Policy Page etc is against Google Authorship guidelines. Is there an option available to have the rel=”author” tag only appear on blog post pages?
Or is there an option to remove the tag from individual WordPress Pages (or Media attachment pages), for example, tick off this box if you would prefer the rel=”author” tag to not appear for this page?
The second option would probably be the better option because some WordPress users create a single article which sits on a WordPress Page (I hope this makes sense.)
I’ve resorted to placing the tag manually so it only appears on Blog Post pages but some users prefer to implement via plugins like All In One SEO but unfortunately if they implement via the plugin the current tag placement placed the author in violation of the guidelines.
Looking forward to your reply and I’m crossing my fingers that there is a way to implement correctly via the plugin and if it’s not possible, maybe you could provide a solution.
Hi Grace,
While we don’t have any per-post metabox options for this, currently the plugin does have filters in the code to allow you to control this, they are named aiosp_google_publisher and aioseop_google_author so for example if you had an about page with the slug ‘about’ you could prevent rel=”author” from appearing on it like so:
add_filter( 'aioseop_google_author', 'grace_prevent_rel_author' ); function grace_prevent_rel_author( $author ) { if ( is_page( 'about' ) ) { $author = ''; } return $author; }
Hi Peter,
Is there a way that you could write a little mini tutorial that I could pass on to All In One SEO plugin users in the Webmaster Forum? Google is looking at implementation closely for Authorship and placing the tag on appropriate pages is important. I also moderate in the Google Authorship & Author Rank community and this subject comes up quite often.
To be frank, I’m not that experienced with code and most users I deal with don’t have a lot of experience working with code either. I wouldn’t have a clue where to place the code you provided above or how I would change it for say, the Privacy Policy Page.
Hi Grace,
Typically you’d place code like this in the functions.php file in your theme or in a plugin; if you wanted to do several pages you could do it like this:
add_filter( 'aioseop_google_author', 'grace_prevent_rel_author' ); function grace_prevent_rel_author( $author ) { if ( is_page( array( 'about', 'privacy-policy', 'contact' ) ) ) { $author = ''; } return $author; }
See also the WordPress Codex documentation for is_page(), that might help as well. I’ll take a look at our plugin development roadmap and will see if it makes sense for us to add some more options here given Google’s recent authorship changes.
Hi Peter,
I think I understand, currently because I couldn’t get the plugin to do what I needed it to do I placed this code in my header.php:
<?php if ( is_single() ) {?>
<link rel=”author” href=””/>
<?php }?>Basically you can do something like this with the plugin but instead of placing in the header.php you’re placing the code in the functions.php. Does it have to go in a certain spot in the file? I don’t see any reference to the plugin in that file. I’m assuming it’s better placed in the functions.php file because every time the plugin is updated any changes made in the current plugin files would be wiped out?
To clarify I would use the title of the page, correct, for example, graces-bookshelf?
Sorry for all the questions Peter I want to be absolutely certain I understand how this works if I’m going to be passing it on to other users. I don’t want users to have to bypass using the plugin in order to be in compliance.
Would there be an option to adding this feature to the plugin? I know Yoast made some adjustments so that users could easily implement the tag.
Hi Grace,
If that’s all you want it to do, you could just paste that link tag by itself into the “Additional Post Headers” field in All in One SEO Pack. We are also currently looking into ways to make meta tags and other metadata and microdata easier to add in general.
As for the code I gave you – it doesn’t have to go in any particular spot in functions.php (but it is possible to break your site by just pasting code in at random); I’d say paste it in at the bottom, but not after the closing PHP tag, if there is one. Also, if there is a closing PHP tag at the bottom of functions.php you may safely remove it as well.
In the is_page() function, to identify a page you may use the page ID, or the page slug, or the name of the page, as it says in the Codex.
Hi, the author tag is appearing on our homepage. How may I fix this?
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