• The one thing that has always driven me batty by the PHP based solutions for blogging out there is that none of them handle google well. Will WordPress manage to work with google happily, so google actually goes through the entire site?

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  • I’m not sure where you have that idea from, but I can assure you a WordPress based blog diesn’t have any inherant problems with search engine crawlers.
    Currently, WordPress inherits it’s ‘Search Engine Friendly URLs’ from b2, and they are not turned on by default.
    In future versions we will consider turning on this feature by default. There are some more tweaks I would like to do first.
    I know it will work: my own blog (currently a customized b2) https://zed1.com/b2/ has received 36% of it’s human visitors so far this month from search engines. With Google, Yahoo, and MSN providing the most hits. Most of those hits are from the page one results too.
    A quick check in a 24 hour log file shows 956 hits from googlebot, 163 hits from inktomi, 172 hits from teoma (ask jeeves), 120 from Spinne/2.0 (German search portal), etc. you get the picture.

    I’m sure this invites a pretty obvious answer, but I’d like to actually hear it from someone to confirm. I currently run a modified b2 blog in which the main content is based in an iframe. See https://www.truedeath.com for illus.
    Will that really impair google (or any other search bot)’s ability to spider thru my site and index it and list it properly? If yes, are there any ways to circumvent this, as I would really like to keep the current design?
    Thanks in advance.

    Visit this topic at boardom b2 forums. worked for me using wordpress, just don’t attempt it if you dont know php very well.
    it turns all the query strings “?m=200303” or “/m/200303” and things like the categories to “/cat/1/General”. allows google to index it a lot better as it thinks its just another directory – note that you need to be able to use .htaccess (therefore apache)

    I agree with Mike with regard to search engines, perhaps you have a misunderstanding about how the Googlebot works. Google indexes sites with query strings and has for a while now. However, there are a number of other benefits to more elegant URLs and that’s something we’re working on.

    Zaaba: not to be stomping on iframes, but I’m sure you’re aware that Google will refer a user to your blog page only, and that can spell trouble for site presentation. I’m sure you’d like your blog to be in its rightful place, right?

    gaius: Point noted! I now realise that with CSS I can achieve sorta the same effect. And plus, I can make my page XHTML compliant if I wanted to. Will be redesigning pretty soon. The learning curve in the beginning I admit is quite steep for me (the box model).
    BTW, will WordPress be implementing the hack that Tom mentioned? As in reducing the ?m=… parts of the url to /cat/1/general form?

    We’re actually doing something much cooler. ??

    Ooh. It *would* help if you could enlighten us on that ?? I’m sure the rest of us would like to know…

    Sure. Basically there are going to be three types of permalinks, the first being the current querystring style, the second using just the ID of the post (like /archives/123), and the third being a full date followed by keywords, like /2003/04/21/this-is-a-post-title .

    any idea when to expect this integrated in wordpress?
    Think many would be interested…
    I tried to figure out the discussion at https://www.tidakada.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=1273 , but it’s too fragmented.
    Can anyone post some step-by-step instructions for wordpress? ?? ??

    Ok, I just upgraded myself over to 0.71, and I’ve noticed that the archives file went away (as well as b2archives.php. How do we configure /-type URLs now, since it seems as if the b2 instructions over at tidakada.com no longer apply?
    If it’s as simple as changing just those three lines in b2config.php, that’d be ideal. Otherwise, if one of the gurus could post a decent set of instructions, that would be great.

    I’m bumping this back up, since no one bothered anwering the question – how do we implement the tidakada fix w/o the archives file?

    The functionality which was in the file b2archives.php is now in the function get_archives() in b2template.functions.php
    But in order to get consistent search engine friendly URLs a lot more than just the changes from b2archives are needed.
    We *will* be adding this to WordPress, perhaps it’s worth waiting?

    Has anything been added to the current version of WP that makes this software more SE friendly?
    I have a client who NEEDS to have his webpages .html and no scripting on the page.
    Can this be done with WP?

    dude, i use WP almost as a SEO tool… And don’t find google having any issues with it.

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