I’m not sure where you have that idea from, but I can assure you a WordPress based blog diesn’t have any inherant problems with search engine crawlers.
Currently, WordPress inherits it’s ‘Search Engine Friendly URLs’ from b2, and they are not turned on by default.
In future versions we will consider turning on this feature by default. There are some more tweaks I would like to do first.
I know it will work: my own blog (currently a customized b2) https://zed1.com/b2/ has received 36% of it’s human visitors so far this month from search engines. With Google, Yahoo, and MSN providing the most hits. Most of those hits are from the page one results too.
A quick check in a 24 hour log file shows 956 hits from googlebot, 163 hits from inktomi, 172 hits from teoma (ask jeeves), 120 from Spinne/2.0 (German search portal), etc. you get the picture.