> I tested the plugin and the conversion tag code is still not working. The plugin sends the form ok but the submit is not being tracked by google.
I looked your page and I see that you didn’t specified tag in
the “Tag on submit” field: https://popup4phone.com/docs/tag-on-submit.jpg
Currently this field on your site contains only default value:
<!– <img src=’https://a.com/tracking-pixel.gif’ /> –>
If you want to use Google conversion tag, you should paste your code for Google conversion tag in the field “Tag on submit”.
> Can you please check the code above if it is ok? Can you please tell me how it is being tracked? onsubmit or with a button?
“Tag on submit” executes only after successful submit.
For example, Premium version https://popup4phone.com/premium/ has spam-protection. So if submitted data will be considered as spam user will see error message and this submit will not be tracked as successful.
> Also please inform me if you send any test on the form because the site is live and another person is receiving the form.
Yes, I have sent tests.