• madisonmortgage


    Has anyone had this issue since upgrading or has experienced this what so ever.

    A few days after I upgraded to version 3.1 of wordpress I started noticing 404 crawl errors in my webmaster tools account (306 and going up every day). The errors seem to originate from my tag urls. My blog is setup to show blog posts as …/blog/content/blogposttitle/ and my tags are using the default …/blog/tag/tagname/

    For some reason after I updated to version 3.1, google is finding my tags as …/blog/content/tag/tagname/ and giving me a 404 (content shouldn’t be in the url for tags).

    I haven’t added/disable/enabled any plugins recently and I also haven’t messed with any code. The blogs have been set up for at least 3 years so most of my tinkering was done in the past.

    Any ideas of how or why this is happening? I have viewed the source of the pages google says the links are coming from but with no avail. The links in the source code look right…

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Same here, google webmaster tools says, 624 broken urls not found. It even lists all those 624 broken urls and they all look like this at the end, …/page/335/, …/page/336/, …/page/337/, …/page/332/, …/page/331/, …/page/333/, …/page/3311/, …/page/3334/, …/page/3366/.
    I cannot remember that my wordpress blog ever produced such urls. All urls are like this …../?p=24248, questionmark, p=.
    So there must be a wrong readout of google robots when crawling a php website?
    So far I never deleted any posts and never changed permalinks, etc. Nothing was changed what could cause broken urls.
    Our ISP got rid of the old servers and installed new ones about 1 year ago. So the whole thing was transferred to a new server so to speak.
    On the other side, if google classifies a website of having 600 broken links this doesnt look good. Rather looks like total chaos. What this does to the ranking of a website remains unknown. Thanks for any suggestion!

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