• Plugin Contributor Ryan


    This topic is intended to help anyone address Google 2.1a errors.

    2.1a – If you are seeing this error code it is likely that you are loading Google tags before receiving are response form Choice with the users consent string and you will likely have to make some updates to prevent your tag from loading before Consent is known.

    I created a video here https://vimeo.com/448116970/4d24c9edc9 (apologies for the slow/jerky load in the video here, running over a VPN) which demonstrates expected behavior that shows ad tags that wait for consent to be established on page load before being added to the page. On subsequent page loads (user consent is saved) Choice popup will not show and ads will load using consent set in the previous Choice popup interaction.

    To test, in an incognito window, open your site to a page with ads. When you visit the page you should see Choice (i.e. consent has not been established as this is a first visit in incognito mode). At this point you should not see ads attempting in load in the background. You should not see any ads load/attempt to load. Once you agree and close the Choice popup all of you ads should begin to load without 2.1a issues.

    Solving 2.1a issues can be a rather difficult problem to solve due to the number of different ways tags can be added to websites. We are working to provide more detailed guides & examples to help you solve this error depending upon your setup.

    Quantcast Choice Plugin & Google Tag Manager:
    – 1. Adding Choice with the WordPress plugin and using the “send consent signals to the data layer” plugin option.
    – 2. Adding other third party tags with Google Tag Manager after reading consent signals from the data layer. If you implement the IAB Consent and Non-IAB Consent variables from this guide here https://help.quantcast.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052555693 you can now read the consent data, in GTM, that was passed to the data layer by Quantcast Choice and use those consent signals in GTM to create trigger events & trigger groups as shown here: https://help.quantcast.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051794434-TCF-v2-GTM-Implementation-Guide-IAB-Vendor-Tag-Blocking to prevent tags from firing until consent is established.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Ryan.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Ryan.
Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 81 total)
  • I keep read all posts in the both thread opened since the begining. I understand now why is happening and that is adsense ads are still served to visitors before they give their consent which is still happening to me on my newspaper criticmedia.ro

    I tried for the past 4 days almost everything put in place here, except Google Tag Manager which I dont understand at all how it suposed to work.

    I use for adding ads Advanced Ads plugin.

    I use Quantcast Choice, and I also use Google Analytics plugin

    I tried yesterday several permutation, I add Adsense verification code directly in the header.php theme, in the Insert Headers and Footers plugin, in the admin theme, I disabled analytics plugin and I add code directly in the header.php theme, and then into the admin theme dedicated place, I disabled all the other none esential plugins, nothing seems to work.

    The ads keep triggering before Quantcast consent. I declared myself lacking ideas and solutions, I don’t know what else I should or could try.

    The Google Tag Manager solution it’s beyond my understanding, and without a stept by step newbies version, many of us we are doomed to past after 90 days grace period.

    If someone, somehow get a viable, and explainable step by step workaround, we have a chance to solve that, if not…!

    Thanks for those who keep struggle to solve this with us and for us!

    Hi @sirvss, Thomas here, the developer of Advanced Ads. There is a grace period of 30 days with AdSense before these errors become critical. I am happy to report that, also thanks to @rbaronqc, we will have a solution ready long before that.


    @webzunft Thanks for yours attention and feedback, we are banging walls here!

    We are looking forward to solve this annoying issue sooner than later, I tried almost everything by now, and like me, many many others! I want to keep using Advanced Ads, and I hope you and the other plugins and apps developers, will finally came with a viable solutions!

    Best Regards!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by versus.


    Hello again,

    I’ve tested your code and it seems to be working, the ads are shown only after I click “Agree”.

    Can you please check (use this link https://estudos.com.pt/os-homens-nao-sabem-quando-estao-errados-afirma-um-estudo/).

    I’ve detected a weird behaviour: The first time I open the link in incognito mode, the ads are shown only after the consent. If I close the browser and open the same link again in incognito mode, the ads are show before content.

    I’m using nginx, with varnish, behind Cloudflare. It might be a cache problem?

    Best regards,

    Hello again,

    At the moment I see everything clear. So I asked to tagdiv to stop showing ads until the user click on “ACCEPT” cookies policy by Quantcast Choice.

    I just left the plugin activated, you saw twice because caché plugin. But now it’s just one, and I have the same question that I did before:

    I’m not a CSS expert, so for me is difficult to change the style of the bar, because it is too big, can you help me? I just want to show a small small bar also for mobile, Can you send me a direct link with the documentation to change the style? I will let QC for policy as I liked the plugin and quickly support.

    Also it’s possible to pay for help? I need solve this as soon as possible I have a lot of visits and this bar is so uncomfortable (beautiful but bigger than I expect).

    Another question: Using Ad Inserter to show my adsense ads to europe, could work? I noticed they solved the problem putting this tag with Quantcast choice: euconsent-v2[vendor][consents][755]=1 here https://adinserter.pro/faq/gdpr-compliance-cookies-consent, please confirm this.

    Thank you so much!

    Plugin Contributor Ryan


    @lenoop01 it looks like you are adding both the old and the new version of Choice, can you remove the old version and test?

    @webzunft just in case you can solve it for us, please do not put it on a premium version or at least not 40 usd monthly. We are a little few of users that need to solve it.

    I could install advanced ads just in case you can solve it, thank you for helping us! ??

    @rbaronqc ho, i’ve only added choice from tag manager. So i can’t see both versions like you said, even in incognito mode.

    Maybe it is a caching issue? I left the plugin installed but not activated

    Thank you!

    @sneesel the support for TCF 2.0 will work like the already existing cookie-based consent method which is located under Advanced Ads > Settings > Privacy. It will be in the free version.

    I am not sure where you have the USD 40 per month from. Pro costs about that **per year** and might still be handy for certain things, but not required.

    If you or anyone else has further questions then I am happy to answer them in a new thread in our forum.

    Plugin Contributor Ryan


    @lenoop01 Are you using GTM just to add Choice or do you also add you advertising tags with GTM? If you are also adding your advertising tags with GTM then I think this guide will help: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/choice-google-tag-manager-gtm-setup-support/ (assumes adding Choice with pluigin and adding google advertising tags with GTM).

    If you are going to add the choice tag with GTM I would remove the plugin totally, but I do think it is easier to add Choice with the plugin and remove the Choice tag from GTM, you can still do all of your Advertise tags in GTM if you want, if that is where you are doing them (follow the guide linked here)

    @rbaronqc i have added the choice code in gtm following the guide on quantcast (and i assume It worked). Some of the ads (not adsense) are in gtm, while adsense code is added on the page using a plugin. I tried to insert adsense in gtm but it didn’t work, ads weren’t shown at all.

    Is it better to use the plugin in your opinion? I thought using the code in gtm would have been a easier way to set the priority to choice to be shown first…


    Hi @webzunft thanks for reply.

    But I dont understand as well. I will need to use Quantcast and Advanced Ads and it will work? I want to make my 2.1a error dissapear.

    So I was looking the plugin advanced ads and it is 39 usd the pro. Which is nice ??. Other plugins ask for you +40 usd monthly.

    But without getting lost.. Installing advanced ads the error will dissapear?? Do you have some documentation to follow step to step? Thank you! And if I need to open another topic in advanced ads thread tell me.

    Sorry for bothering in Quantcast thread.

    @sneesel I am happy to read that you find our pricing reasonable. Google is showing warnings now, but you are still in the “grace period”, which means they are not reducing any earnings. That can start after September 15th, and I am certain that we have released our solution long before that. I am already excited about that since it will just require a single checkbox to check and no coding skills.

    I would be happy to answer any questions related to Advanced Ads and CMPs in our forum. Any reply here could send a message to everyone who subscribed or replied to this thread before and I don’t want to bother other users.


    @webzunft We looking forward for an update, many of us have the same annoying issue which is not solvable yet! Quantcast + Advanced Ads, stil getting 2.1a error. Personally, I tried almost everything, 5 days of permutation spent! Nothing seems to work yet!

    We hope the developers combined, will find a viable solution sooner than later!

    Best Regards!


    Hello again,

    I’ve tested your code and it seems to be working, the ads are shown only after I click “Agree”.

    Can you please check (use this link https://estudos.com.pt/os-homens-nao-sabem-quando-estao-errados-afirma-um-estudo/).

    I’ve detected a weird behaviour: The first time I open the link in incognito mode, the ads are shown only after the consent. If I close the browser and open the same link again in incognito mode, the ads are show before content.

    I’m using nginx, with varnish, behind Cloudflare. It might be a cache problem?

    Best regards,

    @rbaronqc Hello,

    Did you check my previous message?

    I have one more question. Is there a Quantcast paid version that solves this issue without coding from our side? I saw a competetitor of yours that has a paid version with the option to “Consent based tags loader”. I saw a website running that and it works as pretended.

    Best regards,

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