• Why the switch to Google blog search for the “incoming links” in the dashboard? It picks up a LOT of spam links compared to Technorati.

    Any chance of bringing Technorati back? Or making it an option?

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  • not to be argumentative, but I have an install of 2.3.1 and I dont see where you are getting google from..

    Ive also checked the svn directly.

    <div id="incominglinks">
    <h3><?php _e('Incoming Links'); ?> <cite><a href="https://www.technorati.com/search/<?php echo trailingslashit(get_option('home')); ?>?partner=wordpress"><?php _e('More &raquo;'); ?></a></cite></h3>

    where do you see google blog in your own source?

    I just upgraded to the 2.3 beta 3 from 2.2 and I also see links from Google blog search there. The most annoying part of it is that I see blog entries from my own blog listed there.

    I’m not sure if this will display here correctly, but in index-extra.php is where I see this code:

    case 'incominglinks' :
    $rss_feed = apply_filters( 'dashboard_incoming_links_feed', 'https://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch_feeds?hl=en&scoring=d&ie=utf-8&num=10&output=rss&partner=wordpress&q=link:' . trailingslashit( get_option('home') ) );
    $more_link = apply_filters( 'dashboard_incoming_links_link', 'https://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?hl=en&scoring=d&partner=wordpress&q=link:' . trailingslashit( get_option('home') ) );
    $rss = @fetch_rss( $rss_feed );
    if ( isset($rss->items) && 1 < count($rss->items) ) { // Technorati returns a 1-item feed when it has no results
    <h3><?php _e('Incoming Links'); ?> <cite><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $more_link ); ?>"><?php _e('More &raquo;'); ?></a></cite></h3>
    $rss->items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, 10);
    foreach ($rss->items as $item ) {
    	<li><a href="<?php echo wp_filter_kses($item['link']); ?>"><?php echo wptexturize(wp_specialchars($item['title'])); ?></a></li>
    <?php } ?>



    Thanks. Watching Technorati may be silly but it’s simple. This new Google thing was just useless, becaise I couldn’t understand what it was supposed to be doing.

    I can’t say that I am really keen on the switch to Google either! ??



    +1 for google being pointless. it’s just a list of my recent posts.

    however, now that there are filters, you don’t need to hack core files. just save this as a plugin (wrapped in php tags, of course):

    Plugin Name: Technorati is cool
    Description: Replace the google blogsearch links with the old technorati ones.
    function technorati_incoming_feed($notused) {
    return "https://feeds.technorati.com/cosmos/rss/?url=".trailingslashit(get_option('home'));
    function technorati_incoming_link($notused) {
    return "https://www.technorati.com/search/".trailingslashit(get_option('home'));

    otto42 posted something similar in trac, i didn’t write it.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    The search results Google returns are far superior to the ones given by Technorati. And you’ll only get your own posts if you link to your own posts from other posts. Because that’s what it’s getting from Google, a list of sites linking to you.

    Frankly, the results that Technorati gives are rubbish, like 50% of the time when I click on the link it gives, my site isn’t linked from that site at all. And sites that I know have linked to me don’t show up in Technorati because it only gets a very small subset of other sites information anyway. That’s when it worked at all, of course, because Technorati’s servers are down or broken most of the time anyway.

    WordPress.com switched to using Google for this sort of thing a while back, and it works very well. So it got moved into the main core. Which is fine, since I was using it anyway before that by manually hacking the files.

    Big, big thumbs up to this change. Technorati is useless.

    Thanks ThinBlackDuke, that worked like a charm. It’s soooo much better seeing Technorati incoming links.

    Probably the thing to do would be to offer Technorati, Google and whatever else as Dashboard options… I don’t track any of this seriously for my blog, but a friend watches Technorati because, useful or bogus, top rankings there can mean really big bucks, like the Top 1K and all that. So. sadly, perhaps, it’s the interesting one to watch right now… I don’t think that’s really arguable. And who cares about rankings, anyway?

    I don’t know about Technorati, but the Google links are useless. I put my blog URL in my signature in USENET posts, and Google shows all those posts, even though they have nothing to do with my blog posts.

    The sunburntkamel plugin fix (above) is great. I overwrote my modified index-extra.php when upgrading to 2.3.1 just now. Plugin’s easier.

    I used the overwrite and it works well, but I agree with the idea above that perhaps both should be featured in the dashboard, or perhaps an option to have either.

    Anyway, thanks!

    I just upgraded to the 2.3 beta 3 from 2.2 and I also see links from Google blog search there. The most annoying part of it is that I see blog entries from my own blog listed there.

    Yes, I have also seen this problem.

    [sig moderated]

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