Google indexing only the front page
I have already searched and researched on google and forums. There are a number of instances where google is not indexing, but mine seems to be a bit different.
For my site
google has indexed the front page but does not go further than that.Earlier I had a static landing page and a link to sitemap.xml in the footer. Then I changed to blog style reverse-chronolgical ordered posts. My current landing page has link to all of my 50 or so posts.
But google does not return search results pertaining to those.
For example, if I array
, I get text from the front page only, although there are no less than 5 posts on arrays.
If I politician
, I draw a blank although politicians have been heartily shamed on the site.I must point out here that the domain and the site is two months old. Some people say that domain age is a factor. Appears shaky argument. If domain age rather than quality of content is what matters to google than why is it indexing my front page? After all my landing page is no older than my posts.
I have already used Fetch as google and submit to index. Google does come and index my site but just my front page and not even a word beyond. I know all this based on my
query.I am doing everything by the book – having sitemap, using seo plugin(s), having unique content, 700 word posts and religiously adhered to posting schedule.(Except for the last two weeks. Now I am focussing on this indexing issue.)
I have submitted to search engines, have a facebook g+, twitter, instagram, and heaven knows what else accounts to highlight the posts.
I also know Dear(est) Mr. Cutts says that as long as
query returns a result, you should be fine. He may be fine, but webmasters can’t be fine with that. Seeing a result for an info query does not bring in traffic and €€€sWhat does one do in my situation?
Am I mis-handling WP?
Or is someone making google penguin penalize me by generating fake backlinks?
How do I know?
What do I do?
Is this happening because of domain age?
Do I abandon the
or continue my efforts there?Please, I am deseparate… and I have the guts to admit it.
I am willing to try anything…from updating wordpress to para gliding on mars.
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