• So I recently moved by blog over from wordpress.com to an outside hosted www.ads-software.com site. The transfer went relatively smoothly using the Export/Import tools of wordpress. However, I noticed when going through my posts that my google maps didn’t transfer over as they were on my wordpress.com blog and rather stayed as a giant url (and even more annoying doesn’t keep within the confines of the page and runs way off to the side).

    After reading and scouring forums, I’ve found that what happened is that wordpress.com was automatically converting google maps to using its built in shortcode and changed the actual coding in the process. Unfortunately, this functionality did not transfer over in the move and so I’m just stuck with a lot of unwieldy URLs. I tried a whole bunch of different plugins but none that I found matched the exact functionality of the wordpress.com shortcode.

    Also, the blog is a motorcycle travel one and so we have a lot of google maps throughout our posts which means it wouldn’t be feasible to go through and replace all the maps (and have to remap them on Google).

    Here is the page with the broken map: https://www.rubberonroad.com/2010/07/bear-mountain-ny-ride/

    and here is the page on the wordpress.com site: https://rubberontheroad.wordpress.com/2010/07/10/bear-mountain-ny-ride/

    If anyone has any ideas how to fix this it would be greatly appreciated. My guess is that I need to be able to imitate the wordpress.com google maps shortcode somehow.

    One sort of side, related question is that my pictures haven’t been saved in a very efficient fashion so that, if you load up my homepage (https://www.rubberonroad.com) for instance and look at the most recent post, it takes forever to load because of the pictures

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    The problem is the [googlemap] short code is built into WP.com, but not wp.org

    You need something like this: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/google-map-shortcode/

    Thread Starter buck


    Right, I did. As I mentioned I’ve tried a bunch of plugins. The problem is in that these don’t duplicate the wp.com plugin but only provide an alternative and thus a different short code. And since wp.com has already gone through the trouble of changing every single one of my google map links, none of them work with any other plugins, even if I replace the wp.com short code [googlemaps] with the new plugins short code, which in this case is google-map-sc, because of the fact that wp.com system changes all the urls.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    The problem is in that these don’t duplicate the wp.com plugin but only provide an alternative and thus a different short code.

    Yes. Which meaans you have to CHANGE the shortcode on all yoru posts. Which sucks, but there isn’t a

    WordPress.com did not change the URLs.

    [googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=RFK+Bridge,+NY&daddr=Conger+Ave+to:US-202+E%2FUS-9W+N%2FN+Liberty+Dr+to:Bear+Mountain,+NY+to:Bear+Mountain+Bridge+Road,+Tomkins+Cove,+NY,+United+States+to:Albany+Post+Rd%2FN+Highland+Ave+to:40.919998,-73.845291+to:RFK+Bridge,+NY&hl=en&geocode=FTJlbgId4vaX-ymP4IXu9_XCiTEevBqvCadAgA%3BFR6OdAIdYluX-w%3BFeybdQIdXCWX-w%3BFfFhdgIdIr-W-ykh2T3z3dvCiTEWIOQQ3UbPYA%3BFTR-dgIdbReX-ynbPwIf587CiTHsLxBYbeTCfQ%3BFahZdAIdTNmY-w%3B%3BFTJlbgId4vaX-ymP4IXu9_XCiTEevBqvCadAgA&mra=dpe&mrcr=2&mrsp=6&sz=12&via=1,2,5,6&sll=40.96253,-73.824005&sspn=0.202997,0.42778&ie=UTF8&ll=41.178654,-73.928375&spn=0.3597,0.582275&z=10&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

    See that? There is your URL safe and sound.

    You SHOULD be able to change the ‘googlemap’ part to a separate plugin’s code and go from there, but I don’t know of one off the top of my head.

    Basically no matter what there is no ‘quick fix’ so you’re going to need to edit all your posts.

    Thread Starter buck


    Yes, there is A ulr there, but it’s not the right one, at least as far as I can tell. It might be because I am currently located in China, but when I click that link, it just takes me to my google maps starting location. Similarly, when I installed a plugin (actually did this with several different ones) and changed the shortcode, my site just outputted the code, same as now.

    What I’m wondering is that WP.com’s shortcode isn’t some magical, secret algorithm that can’t be duplicated is it? I feel like there should be some way to implement it on another wordpress based site as well, particularly since it was wp.com that broke it in the first place (rather than keep it as the iframe which would have transferred over fine).

    hey Bukco,

    copy and paste the code at the pastebin URL into your theme’s functions.php file.


    This will allow your maps to show again, but you still won’t be able to copy and paste the iframe code from Google Maps like you used to.

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter buck


    @fonglh, you are an absolute life saver. Worked like a charm and exactly what I was looking for!

    In terms of copying and pasting the iframe code, that’s totally fine since I can just use a plugin or some other similar situation from now on.

    Thread Starter buck


    Any chance there is a similar solution for the youtube shortcode?

    I’ve written a plugin for the Google Maps shortcode, waiting for the repository to be created.

    By youtube one, do you mean the feature at https://en.support.wordpress.com/videos/youtube/ ?

    Have you taken a look at the existing youtube plugins?

    Thread Starter buck


    yes, that’s exactly what I need for the youtube short code. I couldn’t find anything that exactly replicated that wordpress.com feature. I would have to again go through and change the short codes to match the plugin’s.

    here’s the plugin I wrote.

    It works with variable map sizes now and does the iframe conversion as well.
    you’ll have to remove the code you originally put into your functions.php file.

    I’ll see if I can find time to do the youtube one.

    check out this thread.


    looks like the jetpack plugin has the youtube shortcode you need.

    Thread Starter buck


    that worked beautifully. Good find. You’re a legend!

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