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  • Plugin Author webaware


    G’day Enfi,

    That information doesn’t sound right. For one thing, sensor was removed some time ago and now generates a warning in the browser console if you use it. For another, the current release version of the Google Maps JavaScript API is 3.32, not 3.5. Even the weekly (development) version is only 3.34. Where did you read this information?

    Also, why do you think that Google Maps is setting cookies? It might be the case with an iframe embed, but in my testing I have not seen this with the JavaScript API.


    Thread Starter EnFi


    Hi Ross,
    thanks for your message.
    Well, I’ve read in an Italian website related to GDPR and cookie regulation.
    I don’t put a link but I can paste the text, you should translate it with Google in case.
    It says that every map installs usually 2 cookies “NID” and “PREF” and the solutions to avoid that.
    Thank you very much for your collaboration.
    Kind regards,

    *** Text below ***

    Google Maps
    Ogni mappa incorporata da Google Maps normalmente installa sul browser dei visitatori due cookie di Google nominati “NID” e “PREF”. Una versione di Google maps senza cookie* è disponibile grazie al

    Per attivarla occorre sostituire questo codice (tipicamente nella sezione head delle tue pagine web):

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;
    Con questo:

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

    *ATTENZIONE: secondo i test recentemente effettuati purtroppo questo è vero nel caso in cui l’utente non sia già loggato a Google in quel momento. Nel qual caso viene comunque installato il cookie “NID”. Tuttavia il cookie NID, a giudicare dalla descrizione di Google, viene cancellato al termine della sessione e non sembra essere un cookie di profilazione. E’ una situazione border-line perché pur essendo un cookie di terza parte (di Google) non è profilante ed è installato solo se il visitatore ha già un account su Google. Quindi occorre fare una scelta ed assumersene la responsabilità.
    La soluzione più sicura consiste nel sostituire la mappa con una immagine (per esempio uno screenshot della mappa interattiva) e magari un link alla mappa di Google maps.

    Plugin Author webaware


    G’day Enfi,

    Rather old information there (and incorrect). Those cookies don’t seem to be being set anymore. I tested in multiple browsers, and only one browser already had those cookies (they have long expiry dates). Clearing cookies and revisiting the test pages, they didn’t come back.

    The information they’re giving on your GDPR website is wrong. There is no version 3.5 of the API, and sensor has long been deprecated and will trigger a warning in the browser console. Disregard their advice.


    Thread Starter EnFi


    Thank you very much for your reply.
    Ok, perfect.
    So Google Maps doesn’t set any cookies? I need to be sure just because some European countries ask for the block of cookies before user acceptation.
    Thank you very much
    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author webaware


    G’day Enfi,

    No worries. Yes, Google did once set those cookies, but doesn’t seem to any more (and not for some time now).

    Google has a page detailing its compliance with GDPR and other privacy regulations. Sadly, it’s impenetrable legal speak, but for what it’s worth:


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