• t1jump


    I’ve tried several different plugin versions of the Google No Captcha reCaptcha with CF7. I can get the captcha to appear but it is not linked to the form (i.e. the Send can be activated without input to the captcha).

    It appears these plugins are not linking as a CF7 required field.

    Does anyone know how to get the Google No Captcha reCaptcha actually working in CF7?


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  • I encountred the same issue. I had to change the script.js to make it work, I have added the following block to the $.wpcf7AjaxSuccess method:

    var reCaptchaMessage = ‘<div id=”recaptcha-message” class=”wpcf7-response-output wpcf7-validation-errors”><span>Please check the reCaptcha </span> <div>’;

    var recaptcha = $form.find(‘#g-recaptcha-response’);
    if(recaptcha) {
    if(recaptcha.val().length == 0){
    $form.find(‘img.ajax-loader’).css({ visibility: ‘hidden’ });



    It works fine.

    Fine for you, but where is this script.js ?

    and intrestingly I found wp-content / plugins / contact-form-7 / script.js, but inside I fond no $.wpcf7AjaxSuccess, I fond plenty of wpcf7… but no AjaxSuccess.

    I am wondering.

    Hi lisas4, i just resolve this issue to see this conversation, above a member “BUZZTONE” method working fine.

    See No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA Plugin for Contact Form 7.

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