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  • Andrew Arthur Dawson


    I’m hoping you may have answer for this google authorship question. I saw that authorship was ended last year and only today did I realize this. I guess they moved away from having the pictures next to the search results. Regardless, I saw they still are keeping the google authorship test tool up there and when I went and tested it today just to see, I noticed an error for my site, It said:

    entry-title: Thought For The Day
    entry-content: “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” (C.S. Lewis) Peace, love, light, and joy, Andrew Arthur Dawson Share This Entry:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterGoogleMoreTumblrPin…
    fn: Andrew Arthur Dawson
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    Error: Missing required field “updated”.

    I’m trying to figure out what the missing required field is all about? Do you know?

    Plugin Author wp-buddy


    Hey andrew,

    you get this error because your theme has no “updated” field that is required by Google to complete the syntax.

    You have two options here: a) remove all syntax so that you don’t use it or b) ask your theme author to integrate the updated element, too (maybe

    I wrote a blogpost about this topic (but german language only, sorry).

    Hope this helps anyway.

    Andrew Arthur Dawson


    Unfortunately I’m not technical at all to know how to do the change and my theme is part of GoDaddy’s and they don’t seem to ever update it. Any idea on how to do a quick fix by a beginner like me? And what is the risk if I don’t change it at all?

    Plugin Author wp-buddy


    Hey Andrew,
    Unfortunately there is no “quick fix” as you have to dive into the code of your theme to fix this.

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