• Hi, novice here. When my buddy attempted to subscribe to my blog via my “subscribe in a reader” feed link on my site, when he chose Google reader the subscribed blog had not title and no posts attached to it. Is there something I need to do in order to submit my blog to Google reader in order for it to register when someone wants to subscribe? Or does Google first have to index on their search engine? Very confused, thanks for the help in advance.

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  • Not being able to see your blog, there are lots of unknown factors, such as whether your feeds validate, whether you’re using FeedBurner, etc.

    For Google, if their bots haven’t indexed your blog yet (and you don’t have a robots.txt banning them), then you can go create a google account, sign in, and under your account info you will see webmaster tools.

    Click on that (if you don’t already see your site there then submit it) and verify your site with Google. This is done either through putting a script they give you into your header file, or by creating a verification html file (they name that for you also) in your main directory. As soon as you put in one of those and hit verify it’s done.

    There is lots of FAQ help on Google if you haven’t done any of this before.

    Thread Starter theseahawk


    Thanks for the reply and the help. I actually already verified my site with google, perhaps it will take some time? The link to the blog is https://www.phantompolitics.com. And yes, I burned it with feedburner, not sure what that means really. How can I make sure my feeds validate? I seemed to make it work with feedburner, but the feed icon in my browser url window gives me a 404 error when I click on it, yet the feed icon in the body of my blog works fine I think.

    Your add to google chicklet works fine.
    You can validate each of your feeds here:
    and you can also do it in your FB account, including from the page called ‘Troubleshootize’.

    The favicon error can sometimes be caused by a typo in your entry of the FB feed addresses (on the FeedBurner page in the Admin panel).

    Thread Starter theseahawk


    Oh ok, thanks so much. When I am logged into google reader and browse for a feed to subscirbe to via searching with keywords, when I type the name of my website it doesn’t even show up in the search field, rather, other website with those search words do, but not mine. Do you have any idea with this is? Do I need to be indexed on google for longer or something?

    Thread Starter theseahawk


    Thanks for the link. I think I added my address a few days ago, perhaps it will just take some time.

    The time depends on many different things. From your Google account webmaster tools section is one of the places to find lots of help pages, groups, etc. If you can figure out exactly what to expect from Google and when you can let us all know. ??

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