Google search queries for homepage displaying funny
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If you go to Google (or seemingly any search engine) and search “Yolo Rum”, you will typically see the 1st result as:
YOLO RumWelcome to the homepage of best rum in the …
Learn about the company and find locations selling and serving Yolo Rum! Plus, check out cocktail recipes, upcoming events, and stay up to date on our blog!
You’ve visited this page many times. Last visit: 1/14/15In that, you will notice that the title is being displayed as:
“YOLO RumWelcome to the homepage of best rum in the …”
In the homepage’s page settings > WordPress SEO by Yoast I have the title set as:
“Welcome to the homepage of best rum in the world! | Yolo Rum”
I do not have the words “YOLO Rum” before the word “Welcome” with no space between the words as it is displaying in search results on Google.
When Google displays any other query results for other pages on our site, it displays it correctly– or should I say, it is displaying how I have it set to display in it’s respective page settings > WordPress SEO by Yoast. For example, go to Google and try searching “Find Yolo Rum”, and odds are you will see a result for our Find Yolo Rum page as follows:
Find locations or order online | Yolo Rum
Easily find liquor stores, restaurants, bars and clubs near you selling and serving Yolo Rum with our location finder (the YOLOCATOR) or order online!So my question is why does the homepage have the “YOLO Rum” crammed at the front of the query title?
Interestingly, I have noticed that in Settings > General Settings > Site Title I have it set to “YOLO Rum”. In that, it’s the only place I am aware of that I have Yolo Rum spelled as such (with all capital letters for YOLO) on the entire site.
Is Google choosing to put our site title crammed in front of the page title? And most importantly, how do I fix this? It looks bad in my opinion as is, and want it to look as it should.
I considered deleting the Site Title “YOLO Rum”, and leaving the field blank, but wasn’t so sure that was a good idea to delete in other regards, plus I’m not absolutely positive that is the problem.
Thanks in advance for your help!
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