Google Site Kit erro 404
O Google Site Kit sempre retorna error 404 ao retornar para meu site. Sigo todos o passos e sempre neste site o Google Site Kit vai para a página de erro. Porque?
Hi @walterviana,
Thanks for opening a support topic. So we can determine more on this and ensure you’re able to connect the plugin successfully please share the following:
- Your Site Health information. You can use this form to share privately if preferred.
- At what stage are you redirected to the 404 page (ie. After clicking on a particular button during set up)? If you want to share your setup experience you can include a video of this behaviour, using a service such as Loom or RecordIt. You
- Do you see any warnings or errors when checking your Site Health status (Tools > Site Health > Status), which differs from your Site Health information requested above? Such errors may include REST endpoint references.
Once we have the information above we advise on some troubleshooting suggestions. Let me know if you have any questions.
The problem happens after I finish the setup. As soon as I allow the kit site access to my Gmail (giving the requested permissions) by clicking allow, it returns to my site directly on a 404 error page.
Many thanks for the update, good to know at what point you’re being redirected.
As this may be as a result of your current environment it would be great if you could share your Site Health information and any errors from your Site Health status as requested above. This can help us to determine the cause, and provide you with some troubleshooting suggestions.
Without knowing the above it’s difficult to pinpoint the cause. If your Site Health status shows a cURL error this is typically hosting related, or if you have anything unusual with your setup we can perform some checks with the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin.
Let me know if you have any questions with the above.
I already did this, I’ll do it again
This reply was modified 3 years ago by
Walter Viana.
Hi @walterviana,
Many thanks for sharing your Site Health information. As you’re using a CDN and some security related plugins please follow the steps below:
- Login to your site from a Chrome browser incognito window
- Install and activate the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin.
- Navigate to “Plugins > Health Check & Troubleshooting > Troubleshoot”.
- From the same screen click on the “Available Plugins” tab at the top right and then click on the “Enable” option next to “Site Kit by Google”
- Attempt to setup Site Kit once more
We have more information on the steps above, on the plugin website.
If you encounter the same redirect error we will need your Site Health status, as requested above (Tools > Site Health > Status). This differs from your Site Health information which you kindly already shared. This displays information such as cURL or REST API errors. If we don’t see anything here that may be impacting setup I’ll propose alternative troubleshooting suggestions.
Hi @walterviana,
Have you attempted setup using the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin? If so let me know of the result.
Thanks also for sharing your Site Health information once more. Unfortunately this doesn’t contain your Site Heath status, which was requested above. We need to know if there are any REST API or cURL errors output. Please share a screenshot or any errors from your Site Health status – if your attempts to connect using the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin were unsuccessful.
You can use a service such as JumpShare or Snippyly to share a screenshot.
I’ve done all these steps, reset my server and reinstalled my WordPress from scratch about 15 times. I’ve tested with other Google plugins and they all work! Only this plugin that doesn’t. Am I blocked on a Google server? Because my other site works the kit site correctly. It just doesn’t connect Adsense. Am I blocked for any reason on Google’s servers?
If you’re encountering a redirect to a 404 page this doesn’t indicate you’re blocked from Google services. Appreciate you letting me know the troubleshooting efforts you’ve attempted, sorry to hear these were unsuccessful.
While you’ve already reset your server have you tried resetting the plugin? This can be helping if there was any changes to your site URLs, which may have been registered on the Site Kit service. (Tools > Available Tools > Reset Site Kit)
If a plugin reset (and not a server reset) results in the same redirect after you attempt Site Kit setup please share your Site Health status (Tools > Site Health > Status). This is important for us to be aware of any cURL or REST API errors, which can result in behavior you’re experiencing.
I just did everything you indicated and sent it as information again. Google site kit doesn’t give me data reset option
I managed to find the option to reset the kit site, and it still gives 404 error after all the tedious process.
This reply was modified 3 years ago by
Walter Viana.
This reply was modified 3 years ago by
Walter Viana.
Hi @walterviana,
Many thanks for confirming the same occurs after resetting, and appreciate your efforts in finding the option to reset.
I’m happy to check your case with the team, or open a GitHub issue on your behalf, however, what you shared was your Site Health information once more. We already have this information, and now we’re looking for the output of your Site Health status – this is different to your Site Health information. See an example screenshot below:
We need this information in order to check for any cURL or REST notices, at which point we can provide further information.
If you don’t want to share your Site Health status then feel free to share a screen recording of your experience, showing the following:
- Your attempt to setup the plugin
- The 404 page
- The full URL in the address bar once you land on the 404 page
- Any browser console errors that appear on the 404 page.
You can use a screen recording application such as Loom or RecordIt to share. Feel free to share privately using the same form previously used if you wish.
Let me know if you have any questions with the above, or if you need assistance in sharing your Site Health status.
Status do diagnóstico
O diagnóstico do site mostra informa??es críticas sobre as configura??es do seu WordPress e itens que precisam de aten??o.
2 melhorias recomendadas
Você deve remover plugins desativados Seguran?a
Você deve remover temas desativadosdiagnostic status
Site diagnostics shows you critical information about your WordPress settings and items that need attention.
2 recommended improvements
You must remove deactivated plugins Security
You must remove disabled themesThe information you requested in the example is the same as the one I sent! There is no other field with information anymore.
Status do diagnóstico
O diagnóstico do site mostra informa??es críticas sobre as configura??es do seu WordPress e itens que precisam de aten??o.
3 melhorias recomendadas
Você deve remover plugins desativados Seguran?aOs plugins estendem a funcionalidade do seu site com coisas como formulários de contato, lojas virtuais e muito mais. Isso significa que eles possuem acesso profundo ao seu site, por isso é vital mantê-los atualizados.
Seu site tem um plugin ativo e está atualizado.
Seu site tem 28 plugins desativado. Plugins desativados s?o alvos tentadores para atacantes. Se você n?o usar um plugin, recomendamos que você o remova.
Gerenciar seus plugins
Gerenciar plugins desativados
Você deve remover temas desativados Seguran?aTemas alteram o visual do seu site. é importante mantê-los atualizados para que fiquem consistentes com a sua marca e para manter seu site seguro.
Seu site tem 3 temas instalados e todos est?o atualizados.
Seu site tem 2 temas desativados, n?o listando Twenty Twenty, que é seu tema em uso. Recomendamos a remo??o de qualquer tema que n?o esteja sendo usado para melhorar a seguran?a do seu site.
Gerenciar seus temas
Um evento agendado está atrasado DesempenhoO evento agendado action_scheduler_run_queue n?o foi executado. Seu site continua funcionando, mas isso pode indicar que agendamento de posts ou atualiza??es automáticas n?o funcionar?o como o esperado.
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