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  • I’m just wondering if anyone else has checked this, but I am not noticing any results from the Google sitemap feature.

    It has been uploaded to the server a couple of days ago, and all is ok. Google downloaded it but it still hasn’t reindexed my site. I have changed almost all of my pages and still nothing of these changes show up in Google…

    How long do you think it takes before Google will use the xml file to crawl my site??

    I think you should ask Google, not us.

    And some people have never been crawled, even after submission, and others wait MONTHS to see any action. Patience.

    Okay Matt, let me rephrase my question:

    Has anyone who is using a XML sitemap that is generated from WordPress noticed any improvements in the index frequency of their site?

    This thread is all about the technical aspects, but I just wonder about the concrete results. (I havena€?t noticed anything yeta€|)

    Not sure if this is interesting for anyone anymore, but still: I did a new version of the original script, mixed it with some of Arne’s script and – voila: Another plugin is available to the public. It produces valid sitemaps (Google accepted mine), is ready for localization (if someone could help me with .po and .mo files), uses real timezones and still generates the sitemap only if necessary.
    Download & stuff:

    Me again. I just wanted to drop you a note that I just got my plugin to inform Google automatically if you publish, edit or delete a post. It saves you the time of submitting it manually.


    Hi all!

    I just saw that there is also a new version of the Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress from Arne Brachhold. Now you can add additional external pages to your sitemap and auto-notify Google. Works well for me….


    I just installed it & it works AOK for me.

    I have a ? though. OTher forum members tell me that in installing WP last month, I created custom permalinks which means only my site (but not my posts) will have a google page rank.

    W/o understanding the ins & outs of page rank & how google sitemap works, do you think this plugin will compensate in any way for the loss of Google traffic that it appears I’m in for (for the last month my site traffic has been down nearly 50% over my previous blog)?

    Moderator James Huff


    More info on richards1052’s situation can be found here:

    I can’t talk for all people, but at least my blog seems to get more visits by Google. Somehow, my presence at Google is a bit better than before, I’d think. But that can also be due to other things.
    So: No promises, but your sitemap should help things.


    This is really strange.

    I installed arnee’s plugin and it ran with no problem. I singed into Google and gave it the sitemap url and tried to verify it and it came back and said “we would like to tell you some things about your sitemap but your probably want them to kept private so create a file (in the same directory as the sitemap) with the filename: and then it gave me this really long name for an .html file, for example: verylonggooglename.html

    So I created the file (they said they didn’t care what was in it). When I told it to verify again, it said it couldn’t find the verification file. I tried to get to it in my browser and got a 404 error.

    What’s really strange is if I typed in the domain name of my site and then copied and pasted their long file name after it, it could find the file.

    So if they were looking for they would find it. Because when I paste the file name at the end of domain name it adds a “percent sign20” to the name and the file is found. But since google doesn’t add in between the domain name and the file name in the URL they can’t verify the sitemap file.

    I looked up {percent sign 20} and it has something to do with encoding and escaping but I don’t know why it’s inserting it when I copy and paste the filename after the URL and can find it. But if I cut and paste the entire URL that google is looking for it says it can’t find the file.

    Anybody else had this happen?

    [Note: I can’t type the symbol for percent sign 20 in this message, because it won’t show up. So you might not understand what I’m saying at all.]

    Nope, never had that problem. You can’t “see” the %20 because it is a “space”

    Well, it still gives me the same error when I try to “verify” sitemap.xml but it now says “submitted”-“7 hours ago” “last downloaded”-“1 hour ago” “sitemap status”-“OK”. The status used to be “pending.”

    So I think the plugin worked great but there’s some kind of bug with Google’s verify link.

    The problem with the space was caused when I copied and pasted the URL from the Google verify page into the new file name when I created it on my server. Although I didn’t highlight the space in front of the name, for some reason it copied and pasted one in front of the filename. It was so small that I didn’t notice it in the directory listing.

    I just renamed the Google verify filename by putting the cursor in front of the first character and hitting backspace. Sure enough there was a space there. Then I was able to verify with no problem.

    Arne’s plug-in worked great and Google seemed very happy with it.



    Hello All I hope this is the right area to post a question. I recently downloaded the latest sitemap wordpress plugin v2.7, uploaded it to the plugins on the server, and activated the sitemap feature in wordpress. When I hit the “Build Sitemap” button in WordPress I get the following error message:

    Could not write into /home/(my password)/public_html/sitemap.xml

    Could not write into /home/(my password)/public_html/sitemap.xml.gz

    Any ideas on what may be wrong?


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