• Hi,

    if you’re already using WordPress 2.3, the Google Sitemaps Plugin < Version 3.0b9 will NOT work for you since it tries to access database tables which don’t exist anymore. Please help me getting the new version in a stable state prior the WP 2.3 release.

    The current test release is 3.0b11. It works with WordPress 3 and uses MUCH less memory than the older versions. Please test it and report any problems so I can fix them until WP 2.3 comes out.

    Here is the download URL to the always most current version:

    Thank you very much for your help! ??

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  • ****Update-Seems to be working****

    I re-enabled the plug-in and started playing with the settings. I first started by unchecking all the boxes and set the “Limit number of posts” to 25 and put the memory at 16M and timeout to 0. It ran. I gradually increased the post count to 150 and then to blank and it ran.

    I started re-checking the boxes and it kept working until I checked the “Write a gzipped file (your filename + .gz)”. When I turn that one on (with all other settings back to default except memory 16M and timeout to 0) it locks up like before.


    Nice find! I immediately went to uncheck that (Write a gzipped file (your filename + .gz) and sure enough it built the sitemap.

    I tried checking it again and rebuilding the sitemap…got the blank screen.
    Unchecked..worked again.

    But, isn’t the gz file more essential than having the non zipped .xml file?

    <<<<<<<<Nice find! I immediately went to uncheck that (Write a gzipped file (your filename + .gz) and sure enough it built the sitemap.>>>>>>>>

    Ditto for me. I was having the hanging problem and I unchecked .gz and it works.

    Jerry Waxler

    I installed the new version yesterday(?) with no difficulty – am still on 2.2.3. (awesome plugin)
    Creating the sitemap, writing in my robots.txt, etc. is working fine. Failed on Yahoo, and the link to see result gives me a blank page. Cannot edit manually as it refuses to save this option.

    It is also producing this error notice every time it writes:

    Notice: Undefined index: path in /wp-admin/admin-functions.php on line 1683

    this is the code it refers to:

    function get_home_path() {
    	$home = get_option( 'home' );
    	if ( $home != '' && $home != get_option( 'siteurl' ) ) {
    		$home_path = parse_url( $home );
    		$home_path = $home_path['path'];
    		$root = str_replace( $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], '', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] );
    		$home_path = trailingslashit( $root.$home_path );
    	} else {
    		$home_path = ABSPATH;
    	return $home_path;

    I just went in and changed the savequeries code, so I don’t have any mysql reports yet.

    There also is no ‘rewrite now’ button. I saw that in ‘read me’ and looked for it so many times my eyes crossed. ??

    (I do plan to upgrade as soon as my total newness with php and mysql wears off a bit more)

    I am experiencing the same problem – the plugin works perfectly if I uncheck the “write a gzipped” file option and hangs if I check it. My blog is not that large and I set up a php.ini file to increase the time and memory limits anyway, so I can’t figure out what the problem is now.

    I don’t know if this is significant, but when I click the debug function I get tons of notices that look something like:

    Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$post_title in /home/neilhov3/public_html/wp-includes/post.php on line 440

    I also don’t know if this is significant, but my database backup plugin, which creates a gzipped backup, has also recently stopped working.


    I just upgraded to the newest version of this plug in and get this error message:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘julieono_wrdp1.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT cat_ID AS ID, MAX(post_modified) AS last_mod FROM wp_posts p LEFT JOIN wp_post2cat pc ON p.ID = pc.post_id LEFT JOIN wp_categories c ON pc.category_id = c.cat_ID WHERE post_status = ‘publish’ GROUP BY cat_ID

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/julieono/public_html/blog/wp-includes/wp-db.php:160) in /home/julieono/public_html/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 391

    Hope it can be worked out? I just installed the older version and still get this error message when deleting a post…

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘massagep_wrdp1.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT cat_ID AS ID, MAX(post_modified) AS last_mod FROM wp_posts p LEFT JOIN wp_post2cat pc ON p.ID = pc.post_id LEFT JOIN wp_categories c ON pc.category_id = c.cat_ID WHERE post_status = ‘publish’ GROUP BY cat_ID

    It still seems to work but should I still use it? Blogging without a google sitemap is like a fish with no water…

    I’m getting the same problem as FantasyCrusader and others….

    I upload the plugin, activate i and immediately get a server 500 error. I can’t go into the plugins page to sort anything out. Delete the plugin via FTP and plugins page works again.

    I disabled all other plugins and it worked. renebaleed them one by one and got conflicts with the following plugins….
    1. Related posts (https://www.rene-ade.de/inhalte/wordpress-plugin-relatedposts.html)
    2. Samsarin
    3. WordPress.com stats 1.1.1

    Removing those made sitemap run OK.

    I’m on WP 2.3.2 and Google sitemaps 3.0.3

    Hmm – this is getting worse. A lot worse.

    Any plugin I upload now trashes the plugins page – it’s just not accessible. Delete the plugin and you can get back in.

    This behaviour ONLY happens with Google Sitemap installed and stops happening if I delete it.

    Looks like a major conflict going on somewhere.

    I am getting this error message on the page where my site map should be https://alove4horses.com/blog/sitemap.xml:

    Error loading stylesheet: A network error occured loading an XSLT stylesheet:https://alove4horses.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/sitemap.xsl

    I have WordPress 2.3.2 and just installed the XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress 3.0.3 plugin. So it still has bugs I guess. Is anyone getting it to work with WP 2.3.2? What is the work around?

    I follwed the instructions in the readme file and created the sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gaz files in the root directory and chmod to 666.

    I activated the plugin and it throws up a dialog box to open the plugins.php file:

    You have chosen to open”

    I can no longer access the plugins page and have to manually delete the google sitemap plugin directory to be able to access the plugins page again.

    I have clear cache and cookies in my browser.

    Any ideas?


    With WP2.3.2 and the latest XML-Sitemap plugin i have it running ok and can manually build and also if i load the url given for using a GET command (as indicated by clicking on the ? as per instructions) in a browser address the sitemap updates, my problem is i would like to use this with a cron job in cPanel but i havent been albe to get it work.

    See this post for more info.

    domain is https://www.onyourpc.com
    sitemap is https://www.onyourpc.com/sitemap.xml

    tried using curl –silent <url given by plugin> >dev/null 2>&1 also but still no update. Get no errors as such just the code of my home page emailed to me showing the cron activated.

    Any one ever used this with a crom job, if so what command string did you use?



    Thread Starter Arne


    @jonisolis: Looks like your server doesn’t want to deliver the stylesheet which is used to make the sitemap more “human friendly”. You can smply deactivate this feature at the plugin options page by removing the URL in the text field next to “Include a XSLT stylesheet”.

    @webdevguy2: Maybe activating the plugin hits the PHP memory limit… You can try to raise it following the introductions from the last posts of the following thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/127914?replies=6

    @allonline: I think you’re the first one who actually uses this feature ?? I will check if it’s still working…



    Thanks Arnee, it all seems to be working fine manually and if i click on the little question mark to update via GET command and copy the url given into a browser address bar i get a blank page returned which is ok as when i check to see if its updated the sitemap it has. Its only when i try to run the same url via a cron job in cpanel i cant seem to get the command string correct.

    The cron job runs but i get emailed the code to the home page on the blog, when i log in to check if its updated the sitemap it has not. I have tried GET and then the URl, wpget, curl with and without silent command, directed reurned output to null etc but just cant seem to get it right, i used to run a similar process via cron before using curl and that worked ok, my host doesnt really have any restrictions that have prevented other jobs running in the past.

    I have no cron jobs running now that may clash on any blog i use sitemaps plugin on so it cant be that.

    I have this weekend upgraded all blogs to 2.3.3 and all plugins to the latest (all 5) all works fine with no clashes i can see. I would have thought someone else has this running via cron in the past as i would like to schedule it for evry couple of days just to make sure its rebuilt and the search engines are notified, i added a yahoo API key to every blog (all 6) this weekend so yahoo gets notified as well, i have no problems with timeouts etc as i have resticted building to just 500 urls and set a memory limit and background process options etc to avoid problems.

    If anyone has used cron for this plugin it would be nice to see samples of the command string to try. Cant understand why it work if loaded in a browser address bar but not via any cron job ive tried, didnt even get any errors reported from cron to give a clue like i would normally get while trying to figure out something like this.

    The only think i havent tried is running with a login ID and password in the command string as the instructions say it shouldnt need one.

    By combining this plugin with the Dagon Design php sitemap im getting spidered loads.


    Link in the footer





    When I try to create a sitemap, I get a “There was a problem writing your sitemap file. Make sure the file exists and is writable.”

    I followed the instructions for chmod on sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz files. I’ve tried 666 and 777 but no dice. Hopefully this will help narrow down what’s happening:

    – I CAN get creating a sitemap to work if I do a “rebuild site manually” to https://www.mysite.com/blog/sitemap.xml
    – However, this fails when I tell it to create the file at https://www.mysite.com/sitemap.xml. Of course, this is where I’d prefer for the sitemap to be located since I’ll be indexing other files at a directory level higher than my blog.
    – When I write files to https://www.mysite.com/sitemap.xml, I get the error above and 0byte files (no updates from the blank files I placed there in the beginning).
    – If I copy the working .xml/.gz files from my /blog/ directory to the root of my site, I still get the error on manually creating the files. The creation/mod times and files sizes are NOT updated after this step, so it’s not overwriting them.
    – I’m trying to use the “complete” URL option (https://www.mysite.com/sitemap.xml). Since my blog is a subdirectory of my main site, relative and auto detect won’t work for me.

    Sounds to me like a permissions thing (obviously), but I’ve checked these files and they’re writable (666 or 777). Is there some other permissions issues I should be aware of, or any recommendations for fixing this?




    Our Library is exploring an alternative library catalog interface. I am seeking a sitemap generator plugin which can handle the large number of entries/posts/pages in the system. Currently there are about 700,000. We can throw more RAM at it to a point, and speed of file generation is not very important. But the 50,000 link maximum for the file would be a problem. The sitemap specification says we can have an index page pointing to multiple sub-pages (up to 100, I think).

    Does this sitemap plugin have an option for enabling that kind of functionality? Could it start generating the first page, then when it hits 50,000 close that file and open another (freeing up all that RAM) and when the last is done, generate the sitemap index page?

    Or am I looking at this in the wrong way?

    See https://catalog.ust.hk/catalog/ for the WordPress installation I am planning to use this on.

    -Edward Spodick, HKUST Library, Hong Kong

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