• I’ve been dancing for a few days trying to verify my site at inventiveopportunity.com using the Pixel 1.9.8 theme). Yes I am a newbie, when it comes to using wordpress. I have tried the meta tag instruction into the tools. When I open tools I have to hit on press this to get a page and a paste the google message, save draft and publish. Back to google with no success. Any help will be appreciated.

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  • The html file option is another alternative. Quite simple too.

    The html file option is another alternative. Quite simple too.

    Agreed. If you use the file method, you won’t have to redo the meta tag if you ever switch themes.

    Thread Starter Perry Woodworth


    Thank you for your help. I have used the html file option with success. The site has google verification.

    what is the html file option?

    Google gives you a download link for a html file you upload via FTP in order to verify your site. Easier than a metatag.

    Hi where do i place the downloaded file?

    more specifically – does it matter where you place the upload in the FTP?

    Hi I am new to this and I need to place a html code from google on my blog.
    I am using the theme intrepidity 1.5.1 and can not find the header to place the code in.
    This is my blog https://www.bedtimebabyquilts.com/blog
    If anyone could help it would be appreciated.

    Moderator James Huff


    Go to Appearance/Editor in your admin panel and select the Header template.

    I place the code at the biginning of the header and at the end of the header and still get this message from google
    Verification failed. We couldn’t find the verification meta tag.
    Is there a different place to put it within the header?

    Moderator James Huff


    The meta tag needs to be placed somewhere between the <head> and </head> tags.

    I am new to WP also and was using the Webmaster Tool Verification for google, yahoo and bing. Well I put the code in that all three generated and now I have “/>“/>“/> at the top of all of my pages. https://www.arizonalivingforseniors.com/ and I am still not verified. Help. How can I get rid of that wayward code?

    Here’s the problem:

    <meta name="google-site-verification" content="<meta name=\"google-site-verification\" content=\"w7cZi3YUZSzQ7XzUK8OX5hdE29DfIYIvy-QW_zCz\">" />
    <meta name="y_key" content="<meta name=\"y_key\" content=\"62c8e2cfaa8f9b2c\"> " />
    <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="<meta name=\"msvalidate.01\" content=\"69A7E7FC088FA6125ECFC3F9F60A8D23\" />" />

    Replace all of that with:

    <meta name="google-site-verification" content="w7cZi3YUZSzQ7XzUK8OX5hdE29DfIYIvy-QW_zCz">

    WOW, thank you for the quick response. It looks like Google, Yahoo & Bing all got placed in the same area. But I pasted the codes in the three different box areas that the WTV offers. Go figure. I erased all the code in the webmaster tool verification section for all three and the “/>“/>“/> went away… but when I added just the Google code back into the Google verification box I got a single “/>. So I erased it again left that area blank as well.

    How else can I do this? I tried the header tag way that James talked about. Sounds easy… right? Not so. I am using revolution 30. I went into the Appearance/Editor Header template and I did not see <header> nor </header> tag unless that is a given (and you don’t see the header tags) and the code can be placed anywhere in that template.

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