• Resolved Abemedpibe


    Hi. I’ve recently published my first webstory, but there seems to be a problem, I get an error message from Google Search Console.

    Breadcrumbs issues detected
    Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 1 Breadcrumbs issues:
    Top Errors
    Errors can prevent your page or feature from appearing in Search results. The following errors were found on your site:
    Either ‘name’ or ‘item.name’ should be specified

    What to do?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @abemedpibe, thanks for getting in touch!

    We’re investigating some similar reports from other Web Stories users. To help us troubleshoot, can you please share the following info?

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter Abemedpibe


    OK, thanks. I have filled out the form

    Thank you @abemedpibe! I see that you’re using the Yoast SEO plugin. Can you confirm that you have the Breadcrumbs feature turned on? You can see this in SEO > Search Appearance > Breadcrumbs.

    Thread Starter Abemedpibe


    Ehm, no it doesn’t seem to have been activated

    @abemedpibe Thanks for checking!

    One other favor to ask: Can you go to SEO > Tools > Export settings and copy and paste what you see in the Yoast SEO settings box here? This will allow me to use your settings to try to replicate the issue.

    Thread Starter Abemedpibe


    ; These are settings for the Yoast SEO plugin by Yoast.com

    tracking = 
    license_server_version = "2"
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    indexing_first_time = 1
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    site_type = "blog"
    has_multiple_authors = 1
    environment_type = "production"
    content_analysis_active = 1
    keyword_analysis_active = 1
    enable_admin_bar_menu = 1
    enable_cornerstone_content = 1
    enable_xml_sitemap = 1
    enable_text_link_counter = 1
    show_onboarding_notice = 
    first_activated_on = 1540669628
    myyoast-oauth = 
    semrush_integration_active = 1
    semrush_country_code = "us"
    permalink_structure = "/%postname%/"
    home_url = "https://www.livinginashoebox.com"
    dynamic_permalinks = 
    category_base_url = ""
    tag_base_url = ""
    custom_taxonomy_slugs[] = 
    enable_enhanced_slack_sharing = 1
    zapier_integration_active = 1
    zapier_api_key = ""
    enable_metabox_insights = 1
    enable_link_suggestions = 1
    forcerewritetitle = 
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    title-search-wpseo = "You searched for %%searchphrase%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%"
    title-404-wpseo = "Page not found %%sep%% %%sitename%%"
    social-title-author-wpseo = "%%title%%"
    social-title-archive-wpseo = "%%title%%"
    social-description-author-wpseo = "%%excerpt%%"
    social-description-archive-wpseo = "%%excerpt%%"
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    social-image-url-archive-wpseo = ""
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    Thread Starter Abemedpibe


    Should I just activate the breadcrumb feature in Yoast? Will that fix the issue?

    Hi @abemedpibe We’re still investigating this issue, but it appears that it may not be Yoast-related, so turning breadcrumbs on/off would not fix the error message that you’re seeing.

    I’ll update here as soon as I have next steps for you. Thanks for your patience!

    Thread Starter Abemedpibe


    Ok, thank you for your help

    @abemedpibe I just tested your story again and it looks like it’s no longer showing errors: https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/u/0/#url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.livinginashoebox.com%2Fweb-stories%2Fmercedes-sprinter-converted-into-campervan%2F. Have you changed something recently?

    Thread Starter Abemedpibe


    Thats’ weird. I have deactivated Yoast because I’m trying out a new SEO plugin. That’s the only change, I think

    @abemedpibe Well the good news is that you’re confirming my theory that Yoast is the cause of the problem. ?? I’ll report back as I learn more.

    Thread Starter Abemedpibe


    Ok, thanks

    Not sure if I should join this support thread for the same issue (Yoast installed and breadcrumbs turned on) or if I should create my own support ticket?

    Search console reports:

    Either ‘name’ or ‘item.name’ should be specified


    Hope I’m doing the right thing!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Zacher. Reason: Forgot to tick notify me of follow-up replies

    Hi @zacher! If you’d like to open a new support topic we’d be happy to assist with your case individually, just in case there are multiple root causes here. Thanks!

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