Hello?@camperomarketing thanks for getting in touch. This message can indicate the cause being due to the users IPv6 addresses falling within a range that has been blocked. You can see an example topic of this?here.
We can certainly check if your iPv6 address falls within this range and if it is currently blocked and if so flag this to the team. In many cases if this is an unintentional block then it will resolve itself over time.
Thank you for sharing your Site Health Information that’s helpful indeed. You can run some cURL checks to confirm if this is indeed an issue with IPv6 by using the following:
curl -4 -I https://sitekit.withgoogle.com
The above will check the status if communication over IPv4
curl -6 -I https://sitekit.withgoogle.com
The above will check the status if communication over IPv6
If you are uncomfortable or unsure on how to do this then no problem at all. If you could share your IPv6 address which you should be able to obtain from your hosting provider then we can happily check the status for you to see if we can spot any blocks from our side.
Let me know if you have any further questions.