• Hi,

    I was digging into some research about GP and Multisite, and was unsure if anything has changed since August when the posts were written.

    Anyways, has GP Premium been improved for Multisite installs? Specifically, the add-on’s becoming active by default if the network administrator has indicated so.

    Also, I read that for licensing, the licenses do not work on Multisite? So if the network administrator has purchased a key, the subsite users still have to purchase another license. Is that correcT?

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  • Theme Author Tom


    GP itself works great in Multi site.

    This forum isn’t really the place for discussion on the Premium theme – feel free to shoot me an email if you need more info: https://generatepress.com/contact

    There are ways to activate them globally in your wp-config.php file: https://generatepress.com/forums/topic/multisite-single-registration/#post-235332

    Updates become an issue sometimes, as explained here very well: https://www.wproute.com/2013/09/edd-updater-for-wp-multisites/

    That being said, the licenses are unlimited, so you don’t need a new one for every site.

    If you need more info on any of this premium stuff, feel free to get in touch ??

    Hi Tom,

    I wanted to ask you about GP with Multisites. I assume from this conversation that it is supposed to work on them. However, it is not on mine. When I install GP, I can see it on my Super Admin Network Dashboard > Themes. It is NOT network activated. Rather, I have it activated on one site. I make that activation at the Network Admin level by:
    Network Admin > User > search for Site user > once site user appears, click edit on the site associated with user. Next, click the Theme tab and search for GP and activate it. This is all good.

    However when I then access the site’s dashboard > theme > GP does not appear

    Got a way to fix this?

    Theme Author Tom


    Hi there,

    So when you access one of your single sites and go to “Appearance > Themes”, GP is activated?

    If so, “Appearance > GeneratePress” doesn’t exist?

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