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  • @qafro – You need to create a page or post specifically for Foursquare and add the map manually using either shortcodes or the new foursquare icon that will show-up in the text editor if using the rich editor mode – as explained on the Foursquare demo page –

    In regards to the strange results you are having with the displaying of maps on the homepage, I can only imagine it is something to do with the theme being used and the way it displays posts or excerpts. I would very much like to solve this problem for you but will need a copy of the theme in order to do so, so please follow me on Twitter and Direct Message the details to me if you would like me to download the theme and fix the problem for you.

    It’s hard for me to re-create the problem here with the theme I am using as I have no idea what the Gazette theme is doing…

    Is anyone else having similar problems with the displaying of information or know why it might be happening…?

    At this stage, all testing on our end has been conducted on the default Twenty Ten theme without similar problems…

    In regards to the problems @qafro and @gpo1 were having with gPress, it turns out the theme they were using (Gazette from WooThemes) was using “strip_tags” to remove HTML from excerpts. This made it impossible to insert maps on the homepage using that theme.

    They were asked to replace this line:

    <p><?php echo strip_tags(get_the_excerpt(), '<a><strong>'); ?></p>

    With this line:

    <p><?php the_excerpt(); ?></p>

    However, this did make us take a closer look at the way our content filters worked and in the process added some new options for (version, which help to control the way excerpts work on the homepage of your theme. This should make gPress much more flexible and work with more themes out of the box, but nothing can prevent a hard-coded “strip_tags” from removing the HTML, so in that case, you would need to edit the theme files, as explained above…

    If I have the Magic Fields plugin activated and gPress then I can’t add places. When you try to post it tries to add the place as a post and the edit post screen appears.

    Ive done the above using (Gazette from WooThemes) was using “strip_tags” to remove HTML from excerpts etc.But still no joy !

    Hoping to get some quick help.

    After activating the gPress plugin on a WP 3.0 install, adding FourSquare key and adding a place, my site’s root domain is now redirecting to a URL for that place. I’ve since deactivated (did not resolve) and then deleted the plugin (did not resolve).

    Any helpful thoughts to return the site to it original glory? I’ll give the plug-in another go, but perhaps on a test site. Thanks so much.

    redirecting to: (with 404 error)

    Additional findings on homepage error for

    Swaping out various themes has had no effect. I do not believe that the issues is related to the loop settings. But rather, a “place” that originally created with gPress is no longer in existence and is being called on by WordPress to display.

    In additional to deleting the gPress plugin via the admin panel, how do I remove traces of data that are still being called up? Does this make sense and am I on the right track?

    @gpo1 – I fixed the IFFAM problem this morning and uploaded new version of gPress to prevent same problem with others in the future…

    @appliedv – firstly, try changing the gPress Options > Advanced Settings > Loop Settings to “POSTS ONLY”, as anything other than that injects a query_posts into the header of the theme, which may make certain themes act strangely…

    Additionally, you may also want to look at REFRESHING permalinks, which is a new bug in WordPress 3.0 with custom post types:

    Basically, you need to go to your permalinks page, make the changes you want, then click save, then refresh the page, then click save again.

    If neither of these solutions help, please let me know, if you follow us on Twitter – – I might be able to give more hands on help should you wish to let me log-in and see whats happening…

    @wotacharlie – I will try to download the plugin later today and recreate the problem to see if I can find-out why it is happening…

    @appliedv – Our plugin does not add anything to the database other than the plugin options. The only thing being added to the database is the places, and without the plugin installed, you will not be able to edit or remove those places (unless you do so from the database). If our plugin is not installed, it will not be affecting the theme in ANYWAY, so the only thing I can think of is the PERMALINK settings – it must be that. Good luck, and please keep us all posted…

    @wotacharlie – I can at least confirm that it has something to do with the MAGIC FIELDS plugin, because only when that plugin is activated is it then impossible to add new places…

    Have spent a good half hour looking for the reason, without joy – will give it another half hour now before giving up – if only I could find where the problem was happening, I would then be able to figure out why…

    @wotacharlie – BINGO – I found the problem…

    The Magic Fields plugin DOES NOT work with ANY custom post types…

    It only works with posts and pages…

    You can manually change the plugin so that it will work with gPress by changing the Main.php file…

    The function in question is called cwp_add_type_indentifier, which, at the moment, looks like:

    function cwp_add_type_identifier(){
    	global $wpdb;
    	global $post;
    	if( isset($_GET['custom-write-panel-id']) && !empty($_GET['custom-write-panel-id'])){
    		$getPostID = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT id, type FROM ". MF_TABLE_PANELS ." WHERE id='".$_GET['custom-write-panel-id']."'");
    		echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"post_type\" name=\"post_type\" value=\"". $getPostID[0]->type ."\" />";
    		if($post->post_type == 'page') {
    			echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"post_type\" name=\"post_type\" value=\"page\" />";
    			echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"post_type\" name=\"post_type\" value=\"post\" />";

    You need to change it to the following:

    function cwp_add_type_identifier(){
    	global $wpdb;
    	global $post;
    	if( isset($_GET['custom-write-panel-id']) && !empty($_GET['custom-write-panel-id'])){
    		$getPostID = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT id, type FROM ". MF_TABLE_PANELS ." WHERE id='".$_GET['custom-write-panel-id']."'");
    		echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"post_type\" name=\"post_type\" value=\"". $getPostID[0]->type ."\" />";
    		if($post->post_type == 'page') {
    			echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"post_type\" name=\"post_type\" value=\"page\" />";
     		}elseif($post->post_type == 'place'){
    			echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"post_type\" name=\"post_type\" value=\"place\" />";
    			echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"post_type\" name=\"post_type\" value=\"post\" />";

    However, if the contributors for Magic Fields do not fix this problem, the next time you upgrade their plugin, it will stop working again.

    Will add a note on their forum and suggest you do the same, as the more people that moan, the more likely it will get resolved…

    Thanks for taking a look at the problem, it is greatly appreciated. I think it might be better if I drop Magic Fields and add my own custom post type.

    I did run into another issue with another plugin. There was a bit of a Javascript issue with how javascript was being loaded. Could the gpress includes be added to only the gpress pages in the admin area?

    @wotacharlie – if you want to continue using Magic Fields, the fix above will work – have tested here locally without incident and have also posted a comment on the Magic Fields forum to let them know about their problem…

    As for the JS errors, we’ve just uploaded gPress, which only loads our JS on the necessary pages (post-new.php and post.php)…

    This should be LIVE in the repository by the time you read this! ??

    Let us know if you run into any other problems…

    Sorry guys – removed jQuery front front end by fixing the back-end – am now uploading which fixes the front-end… ??


    I start with gpress than I don’t know details.

    I created a place, OK.

    I want to display this place and I receive a message Error 404: page not found

    URL: https://siteurl/place/nameofplace

    I can integrated a map into posts but I cannot display directely created places. The same problem with Last places widget – when click on place… 404 error.

    I need to parameter something else ?

    This is ok with posts to display, but I cannot display directely places from Places Editor (in WP3.0) nor from widget (Last places) included in plugin.

    I’m using wp3.0, bp1.2.5 and the last version of gpress0.2.1.4


    Hi, you made the plugin I wanted to do with BuddyPress Maps…

    Yours seems far better.

    Here’s what I would expect from it, for BuddyPress :

    * Ability to dynamically add markers from the frontend (with a specific shortcode/function that could be called on every item we ant ?).
    So BuddyPress users could tag their position or favorite locations on a map for example.
    * Members map
    * Groups map
    * Search by location (within a specific distance)

    BTW; the plugin does not work here.
    WP 3.0 + BP 1.2.5 + GPress
    gives this :

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